Help:Project Coordinators

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A Project Coordinator is a member who leads a sub-project or helps lead a project without formal Project Leader status.


Coordinating a project is all about communication. Communication is essential for collaboration.

Project Coordinators do things such as:

  • Answer questions from those who are interested in the project.
  • Add and remove a designated badge.
  • Welcome new members and show them how they can contribute.
  • Coordinate members who want to work together on the same task.
  • Monitor the project's G2G tag to help ensure that project-related questions get answers.
  • Make sure that Project Leaders are aware of project members' issues and concerns.

Members with the Project Coordinator badge can edit parents, spouses, and children on Project Protected Profiles (PPPs) and use GEDCOMpare to edit PPPs.

How Project Coordinators are Chosen

Project Coordinators are chosen by the Project Leaders of the projects they are involved in. They can volunteer to help or a Leader might approach them about taking on the role.

Project Coordinators should be in good standing in the WikiTree community. Leaders should check the mentoring archives before giving someone the Project Coordinator role and badge. Having notes there does not necessarily prevent someone from being a Project Coordinator, but should be considered.

How the Badge is Removed

If a Project Coordinator is being mentored or involved in a conflict escalation, their Project Coordinator badge will be removed. The outcome of the conflict resolution will determine whether or not a Project Coordinator's badge will be reinstated.

In addition, if a Project Coordinator cannot be reached for more than two weeks, their badge may be removed. Once communication is resolved, the badge may be returned.

Current Project Coordinators

See the badge page for the current list of Project Coordinators.

This page was last modified 14:16, 22 November 2022. This page has been accessed 10,692 times.