Help:Reducing the Size of Your Watchlist

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It's easy to reduce the number of profiles you're managing or following.


Watchlist Size

We recommend that no Watchlist, including Project Accounts, contain more than 5,000 profiles. Beyond this, WikiTree systems may start to slow down for you. If your Watchlist gets too large, some WikiTree tools won't work for you at all. Most unfortunately, and ironically, this includes the tools that make it easy to reduce the size of your Watchlist.

We recommend smaller Watchlists if you want to be less active on WikiTree. The smaller your Watchlist, the less collaboration you will need to be involved in. Of course, not all profiles require the same level of collaboration. If you only have modern, private family members on your Watchlist you will only need to work with close family members.

Removing Profiles from your Watchlist

To reduce the size of your Watchlist, you need to remove yourself from Trusted Lists.

The best way to do this is the Bulk Trusted List Changes tool. If your Watchlist is already so large that this tool locks up when you try to use it, contact for help.

Unmanaged profiles are OK

The Trusted List Changes tool won't let you remove yourself from Private profiles if you're the only Profile Manager.

However, you can remove yourself from Public and Open profiles, and you shouldn't be afraid to do this. This enables other Wiki Genealogists who have signed the Honor Code to edit and adopt them.

Profiles can still be in your family tree

Removing yourself from Trusted Lists has no impact on a profile's relationships. If a person is in your family tree, they will still be in your family tree.

This page was last modified 15:31, 9 October 2021. This page has been accessed 10,281 times.