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Database errors project (22 May 2016)

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 22 May 2016 to 29 May 2016
Location: Worldwidemap
Surname/tag: data_doctors
Profile manager: Aleš Trtnik private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,735 times.
This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
Latest report: April 21st 2024.
Data Doctors Challenge: Connect-a-Thon_Cleanup_II and .
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Analysis was done on data from May 22nd 2016.

Related post.

Here are pages of errors lists with basic person data and links to WikiTree.



New error 605, 635 and 665 Number in location

In locations there is only a number. It is often date entered in wrong field.

Errors Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-Now Now-9999
605 Number in birth location 1933 1041 23 57 173 550 89
635 Number in death location 1623 215 46 131 307 785 139
665 Number in marriage location 228 6 21 37 145 19

Lookup to gender assignemnts

Here you can check gender assignment for any name http://www.sdms.si:92/wikitree/ShowFirstNames.htm

Finished help for all errors

Help error pages are finished. Native speakers are welcome to correct spelling errors. If something is not clear in descriptions, ask in G2G or correct the page.

Links to nonLatin profiles

Links to profiles with nonlatin LNAB didn't work. Now they do.

Selective False error

False error is no longer available on all errors. Just on the ones, that make sense.

Undo False error, Temp hide

On page http://www.sdms.si:92/wikitree/ShowErrors.htm you can select to see also hidden errors und unhide them.

603, 633 and 663 removed

603, 633 and 663 were temporarily removed until WikiTree (Chris) updates Location fields.


Analysis was done on data from May 22nd 2016.

1483020 Errors Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-Now Now-9999
101 Birth in future 253 253
102 Death in future 313 2 68 234 5 4
103 Death before birth 13022 125 473 1274 5977 5001 131 41
104 Too old 6968 446 1251 2093 3007 166 4 1
105 Duplicate sibling 3026 8 190 578 1481 769
106 Duplicates between global tree and unconnected 2959 24 389 928 1387 231
107 Full name in UPPERCASE 3136 1987 64 75 383 610 17
108 Full name in lowercase 3193 2900 1 6 48 231 7
109 Profile should be open (birth date) 11439 7 409 200 3593 7230
110 Profile should be open (death date) 1512 712 8 74 161 311 244 2
201 Father is self 114 59 10 2 29 14
202 Parents are same 98 15 5 4 53 21
203 Father is Female 6253 851 27 306 1152 3480 437
204 Father has no Gender 1026 456 1 14 519 36
205 Father is too young or not born 48607 2353 5357 10071 21145 9564 88 29
206 Father is too old 6789 539 1528 2449 2238 35
207 Father is also a child 378 79 27 36 96 121 19
208 Father is also a spouse 216 11 6 12 30 144 13
209 Father is also a sibling 3078 373 116 295 664 1339 291
210 Father was dead before birth 32506 1368 2004 6177 9531 12599 827
301 Mother is self 5 4 1
303 Mother is Male 7798 741 71 353 1320 4818 495
304 Mother has no Gender 1540 748 8 743 41
305 Mother too young or not born 65559 2912 7156 14285 27662 13428 94 22
306 Mother is too old 5716 435 1198 1949 2101 33
307 Mother is also a child 11 1 1 2 4 3
308 Mother is also a spouse 1322 129 63 155 304 610 61
309 Mother is also a sibling 356 54 7 11 53 192 39
310 Mother was dead before birth 31067 1531 1215 6013 9353 12157 798
401 Spouse is self 3 2 1
402 Unknown gender of spouse 2068 681 1 23 21 1256 86
403 Single sex marriage 3502 394 105 151 171 2489 192
404 Marriage before birth 10526 215 927 2240 5042 2075 24 3
405 Married too old 2812 126 441 770 1468 7
406 Marriage after death 12506 530 362 1909 2996 6080 629
407 Death too old after Marriage 1659 56 17 201 363 830 190 2
408 Multiple marriages on same day 10198 284 4 1688 3034 4805 383
409 Marriage to duplicate person 31772 4087 393 4191 8067 13408 1624 2
501 Wrong male gender 8813 1477 9 699 1364 4068 1193 3
502 Missing male gender 74800 37648 11 1118 5868 21190 8936 29
503 Probably wrong male gender 6147 1325 61 543 708 2263 1237 9 1
504 Missing probably male gender 35644 24310 7 36 895 5284 5070 42
505 Wrong female gender 10295 1620 33 519 1445 5372 1304 2
506 Missing female gender 60375 28957 53 940 4595 19186 6625 18 1
507 Probably wrong female gender 5260 883 23 237 707 2365 1042 3
508 Missing probably female gender 29382 20422 8 150 629 4342 3810 20 1
509 Missing gender 96390 79652 41 412 1482 8012 6737 52 2
510 Unique name without gender 23454 10747 50 183 717 7098 4590 69
511 Unique first name (spelling) 283116 64963 4557 9057 16549 92053 93724 2200 13
512 Separators in first name 68383 11651 367 2552 6584 31194 15992 43
601 Unknown birth location 9392 1728 2 362 1390 4427 1481 2
603 USA too early in birth location 218609 Temporarly removed
604 Birth location too short 13986 1865 98 979 2179 7320 1545
631 Unknown death location 16509 1460 1 782 2670 9250 2346
632 Y death location 6355 65 10 133 641 5419 87
633 USA too early in death location 81307 Temporarly removed
634 Death location too short 17069 1038 261 1065 2531 10867 1307
661 Unknown marriage location 1348 71 66 234 745 232
663 USA too early in marriage location 26190 Temporarly removed
664 Marriage location too short 3020 222 13 363 618 1552 252
901 Unconnected empty public profiles 35346 35346
902 Unconnected empty open profiles 17136 17136

Changes since previous update

Explanation of error changes:

  • Increase in persons profiles was 0.50% so all errors should increase for that amount. that is 6288 errors. Error 511, 604, 634 and 663 are excluded, since algorithm changed and cannot be compared.
  • and there are 3700 fewer errors

So in 7 days 9988 errors were corrected by my estimation.

Note: Usually with one correction you can correct multiple errors, because errors repeat in different groups.

1.5. 11.5. 15.5. Projected 22.5. Reduction Delta%
Profiles 11184648 11206469 11262275 100,498%
Locations 10707022 10732026 10798925 100,623%
Father 6015213 6045514 100,504%
Mother 5661601 5689774 100,498%
Marriages 2564629 2577987 100,521%
101 Birth in future 343 312 308 310 253 57 18,26%
102 Death in future 370 343 331 333 313 20 5,91%
103 Death before birth 13139 13111 13080 13145 13022 123 0,94%
104 Too old 7021 7036 7001 7036 6968 68 0,96%
105 Duplicate sibling 4711 3892 3607 3625 3026 599 16,52%
106 Duplicates between bigtree and unconnected 3253 3293 3245 3261 2959 302 9,27%
107 Full name in UPPERCASE 3153 3169 3136 33 1,03%
108 Full name in lowercase 3207 3223 3193 30 0,93%
109 Profile should be open (birth date) 11667 11725 11439 286 2,44%
110 Profile should be open (death date) 1516 1524 1512 12 0,76%
201 Father is self 251 240 121 122 114 8 6,26%
202 Parents are same 224 221 193 194 98 96 49,48%
203 Father is Female 6167 6244 6257 6289 6253 36 0,56%
204 Father has no Gender 2159 1689 1175 1181 1026 155 13,12%
205 Father is too young or not born 48551 48867 48694 48939 48607 332 0,68%
206 Father is too old 6952 6955 6928 6963 6789 174 2,50%
207 Father is also a child 510 502 393 395 378 17 4,30%
208 Father is also a spouse 241 234 232 233 216 17 7,36%
209 Father is also a sibling 3527 3512 3236 3252 3078 174 5,36%
210 Father was dead before birth 32482 32559 32505 32669 32506 163 0,50%
301 Mother is self 10 6 5 5 5 0 0,50%
303 Mother is Male 8321 7931 7880 7919 7798 121 1,53%
304 Mother has no Gender 2101 1856 1715 1724 1540 184 10,65%
305 Mother too young or not born 65178 65596 65535 65861 65559 302 0,46%
306 Mother is too old 5822 5817 5783 5812 5716 96 1,65%
307 Mother is also a child 35 34 13 13 11 2 15,80%
308 Mother is also a spouse 1566 1578 1516 1524 1322 202 13,23%
309 Mother is also a sibling 373 364 362 364 356 8 2,14%
310 Mother was dead before birth 31202 31224 31153 31308 31067 241 0,77%
401 Spouse is self 4 3 3 3 3 0 0,52%
402 Unknown gender of spouse 2990 2538 2386 2398 2068 330 13,78%
403 Single sex marriage 4671 4001 3998 4019 3502 517 12,86%
404 Marriage before birth 10937 10704 10634 10689 10526 163 1,53%
405 Married too old 2857 2871 2847 2862 2812 50 1,74%
406 Marriage after death 12580 12602 12556 12621 12506 115 0,91%
407 Death too old after Marriage 2027 1818 1769 1778 1659 119 6,70%
408 Multiple marriages on same day 10234 10287 10198 89 0,87%
409 Marriage to duplicate person 31870 32036 31772 264 0,82%
501 Wrong male gender 7130 7012 9064 9109 8813 296 3,25%
502 Missing male gender 53397 53276 75402 75777 74800 977 1,29%
503 Probably wrong male gender 8380 8349 6237 6268 6147 121 1,93%
504 Probably missing male gender 56357 56486 36129 36309 35644 665 1,83%
505 Wrong female gender 9072 8717 10479 10531 10295 236 2,24%
506 Missing female gender 51058 51119 60682 60984 60375 609 1,00%
507 Probably wrong female gender 7027 6946 5389 5416 5260 156 2,88%
508 Probably missing female gender 37889 37983 29462 29609 29382 227 0,77%
509 Missing gender 97415 97714 95747 96224 96390 -166 -0,17%
510 Unique name without gender 24792 24854 23654 23772 23454 318 1,34%
511 Unique name (spelling) 476223 346225 347949 283116 0 0,00%
512 Separators in first name 68680 68716 69058 68383 675 0,98%
601 Unknown birth location 9291 9343 9366 9424 9392 32 0,34%
602 Y birth location 3 3 0 3 100,00%
603 USA to early in birth location 217129 217281 216951 218303 218609 -306 -0,14%
604 Birth location too short 16791 16896 13986 0 0,00%
631 Unknown death location 16230 16454 16505 16608 16509 99 0,60%
632 Y death location 6542 6534 6736 6778 6355 423 6,24%
633 USA to early in death location 80738 80672 80529 81031 81307 -276 -0,34%
634 Death location too short 18242 18356 17071 0 0,00%
661 Unknown marriage location 1328 1350 1346 1354 1348 6 0,47%
662 Y marriage location 6 6 7 7 0 7 100,00%
663 USA to early in marriage location 26103 26113 26039 26201 26190 11 0,04%
664 Marriage location too short 3246 3266 3020 0 0,00%
901 Unconected empty public profiles 35473 35433 35418 35594 35346 248 0,70%
902 Unconected empty open profiles 17242 17221 17172 17258 17136 122 0,70%
Total 1043174 1585719 1552645 1560895,845 1481634 9988 0,64%

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 7

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665 Number in marriage location - done for privacy 60. Notes on some privacy 50 profiles (up to daily limit)

Working on 635 Number in death location, 1900-1999 - most privacy 60s done, working on 1800-1899.

posted by Leanne Cooper
502, 504, 506, 508 done for all determinable MA profiles
posted by S (Hill) Willson
632: Y Death location (1500-1699) Completed
posted by Talicyn Daniels
on behalf of Pierre Goolaerts

632: Y Death location (1800-1899) done up to Bedinger-206 with error Y/

605: Number in Birth location (1900-1999) done for privacy 60 and partly for privacy 50.

posted by Aleš Trtnik
Working on 109, profile should be open - 1700-1799
posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
402 1500-1699 mostly done except odd names (dutch etc)

402 1700-1799 same

504 1500-1699 same (lot of odd names skipped)

believe that also took care of 204 & 304 for those dates

posted by [Living Anonymous]
Working on error 409: 0001-1499

Categories: DD Suggestions