Help:Unlisted Active Members

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Active members who are making contributions to WikiTree cannot be hidden as completely as the profiles of their passive family members.

Signers of the Honor Code

Wiki Genealogists who sign the Honor Code cannot use the Unlisted Privacy Level.

WikiTree is all about collaboration. Other WikiTree members can't collaborate with you if they can't identify you with a member name.

If you do not want your real name to appear anywhere simply "anonymize" it by using an initial or "Anonymous" instead of a first name. For example, John Smith might change his name to J. Smith or Anonymous Smith.

Try to put as much of your real name as you feel comfortable making public. Do not use a fake name under any circumstances. We are a friendly community here.


Family Members (non-genealogist accounts) can be Unlisted, but only if they are not actively participating.

Practically speaking, an active contributor cannot remain completely hidden. As a wiki, your activity on this website is tracked. This tracking is partially obscured for Unlisted users but there are places your name will still appear.

If you do not want your name to appear anywhere, edit your profile to use an initial or "Anonymous" instead of a first name.

This page was last modified 21:34, 1 April 2024. This page has been accessed 12,789 times.