
Osborn Family History

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Location: England and Irelandmap
Profile manager: Katelyn McKim private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 11,146 times.

This is a central page for organizing genealogy related to Osborn families and information about individuals, places, and things named Osborn.

(Do you have any info about Osborns or the name? Please join the Trusted List to this page and participate. You can also post a comment or memory below.)


Alternate Spellings

Osborn has other spellings of Osborne and Osbern.

Origins of the Surname Osborn

It is a Saxon word; from 'hus', meaning a house, and 'bearn', meaning a child. So a family-child, even an adopted child.

The old Norse personal name 'Ásbjorn', composed of the elements ás ‘god’ + björn ‘bear’.

The surname has also been in Ireland since 1500s.

Geographic Centers of Osborn Families

In the UK, the surname is mostly along the coastal counties of England.

In the USA, it is often found in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and California.

Osborns on WikiTree

Here is the current Osborn index. Also see Osborne.

If you add yourself or an ancestor to WikiTree your additions will appear on the index when it automatically updates tomorrow morning.



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