Most distant known ancestor?

+7 votes

I'm curious if anyone else would like to see us add information to our trees relating to our Most Distant Known Ancestors.  The family tree DNA project along with other Genealogical sites are starting to use this.  It could be a quick way to navigate an individuals tree if it was included in one of the predefined fields.  We could always add the information to our ancestors in the BIO sections but it might be interesting if it was a field that could be updated across trees.



Here is a page that describes the concept


in Policy and Style by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)
edited by Chris Whitten
If we can't put these widgets on our profile pages, how can we create or access them at all? Sorry for being so ignorant about widgets. I've tried using them with cut and paste and all I got was code after saving so there's a big education gap between me and widgets.
Don't feel bad at all, Debby.

First, did you see my answer below? I should have posted it as a comment so this thread would be easier to follow.

Not that my answer will necessarily be easy to follow.

Bottom line: you can't use widgets on profiles, but I can create a separate page for profiles that shows the maternal and paternal 10-gen lines, if that would be helpful.

I saw your answer after I'd tried the cut and paste. I tried it once before without success so thought I'd try again. 

I like Ed's idea and think I will put the Most Distant Known Ancestor on some of my ancestor pages just for reference.

But I know your plate is pretty full right now. Thanks for taking the time to review all these question and suggestion pages. Very few administrators of such a huge project would take the time out of their busy schedules.

Thanks for the kind words, Debby. It's the participation of good community members like you and Ed that keeps WikiTree growing. It's important to me that I do whatever possible to make what you do more productive and more fun.

Because reaching that Widget takes a few too many clicks for me I updated the profile of James Monroe as follows.

Most Distant Known Ancestors

Paternal David Monroe born Scotland, husband of Agnes
Link to 10 Generation Paternal Chart
Maternal Elizabeth Jones born in 1730, wife of Spence Monroe
Link to 10 Generation Maternal

Or in Wiki smiley:

== Most Distant Known Ancestors ==
;'''Paternal''' [[Monroe-459|David Monroe]] born Scotland, husband of Agnes
: Link to [ 10 Generation Paternal Chart]<br>
;'''Maternal''' [[Jones-11065|Elizabeth Jones]] born in 1730, wife of Spence Monroe: Link to [ 10 Generation Materna Chartl]

Ed and Debbty,

The "DNA View" pages are now live. Click on this little icon near the top of the any profile: .


Thank you, Chris. That is so neat and will be usefull, especially with longer lines.
Truly excellent.  Had I missed cousin bait before?
Hi Ed. Sharp eyes to catch that little fish hook icon! You didn't miss the cousin bait pages. They were added yesterday at the same time as the DNA pages. We haven't started to spread the word about them yet.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi Ed,

I love how you experiment. That's the wiki spirit.

Regarding embedding the widgets into profiles: that's tough to do. We don't currently allow "iframe" code inside a profile because that's the sort of thing that could be used by hackers or spammers. We could conceivably allow it or make a user-friendly interface for adding chosen widgets to profiles. That would be very cool, but I just don't see it happening any time soon. We have too many other priorities right now.

Regarding making it "work between the profile you are looking at and the distant ancestor" ... what do you mean? I don't follow you.

Tree widgets will work starting/looking from any individual with a public family tree.

We could create a template that combines the 10-gen maternal and paternal widgets on one page. (Not to complicate things, but: "template", "widget", and "page" could be used almost interchangeably here.)

For example, let's say you're viewing

You would see a new icon at the top that would take you to a page that combines the two views on and shows them side-by-side.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hey - I just saw my "most dstant known paternal ancestor" appear (correctly) in my DNA test results page.  This is great!  Thanks for adding this!
Thanks, Ray!

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