Hi Ed,
I love how you experiment. That's the wiki spirit.
Regarding embedding the widgets into profiles: that's tough to do. We don't currently allow "iframe" code inside a profile because that's the sort of thing that could be used by hackers or spammers. We could conceivably allow it or make a user-friendly interface for adding chosen widgets to profiles. That would be very cool, but I just don't see it happening any time soon. We have too many other priorities right now.
Regarding making it "work between the profile you are looking at and the distant ancestor" ... what do you mean? I don't follow you.
Tree widgets will work starting/looking from any individual with a public family tree.
We could create a template that combines the 10-gen maternal and paternal widgets on one page. (Not to complicate things, but: "template", "widget", and "page" could be used almost interchangeably here.)
For example, let's say you're viewing
You would see a new icon at the top that would take you to a page that combines the two views on
http://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Burke-1009/1000#ten-generation-paternal and shows them side-by-side.