Can anyone translate an image in German to English for me?

+2 votes
I have an image with German words and sentences in it and need someone to translate it into English for me. If anyone can help me let me know and I will send them the image.
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Email me an image, I'll try. I dont' know a lot of German, but can read some of the characters.  No guarantees, though.  tbredehoft (at)


On second thought, send it to Eva-Maria, below.

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
I can.  I am German, lol.  Just mail me the image and I'll be more than happy to help ;)
by Eva-Maria Anonymous G2G Crew (560 points)
selected by Thorwald Peeters
0 votes
I'm happy to give it a go; its been a while since I studied the language but I still have my German dictionary
by Helen Unsworth G2G Rookie (200 points)
+1 vote
I can also serve as a back up to deciphering in particular old German church records.
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (961k points)
You can also copy and paste it into Google Translate:

I don't know if that works on images, though.  Also, these are machine translations, and they can be pretty terrible!  I have a distant ancestor who was imprisoned for theft.  Something to do with a parakeet!  Turns out the parakeet referred to an official.  Wonder if that is kind of like a Cardinal in the church!

Heh heh, Lana... you clearly have NOT seen old German church records. For example:

Catharina Dern birth record


Oh, my!  It wouldn't even do any good to know German on that one!

Besides that, hasn't German changed through the generations too?  Like trying to decipher old English.

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