In reference to the previous questions:
For people born before 1776, for place of birth, do we use the term British America?
1744, born in USA
Hi, during the 2020 Clean-a-Thon I came across a few corrections where the location of "USA" for a pre-1776 birth/death/marriage had been removed for a profile of someone born in one of the original 13 American Colonies and where the specific colony was not known.
By completely removing the location now we have no idea at all what continent the person was born on. While this corrects the error it also removes valuable information from the profile.
From the two linked threads above the guidance that exists now is to use the name of the colony or province where the event occurred. But for the cases where the exact colony/province is not known I believe that we should have a specific location name so that we can keep the location on the profile and not leave a blank location field.
Historically, it seems that the American Colonies were referred to as the "Colonies in America." From The Proclamation of 1763 we see:
October 7, 1763
WHEREAS we have taken into Our Royal Consideration the extensive and valuable Acquisitions in America, secured to our Crown by the late Definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 10th Day of February last; and being desirous that all Our loving Subjects, as well of our Kingdom as of our Colonies in America, may avail themselves with all convenient Speed, of the great Benefits and Advantages which must accrue therefrom to their Commerce, Manufactures, and Navigation, We have thought fit, with the Advice of our Privy Council, to issue this our Royal Proclamation, hereby to publish and declare to all our loving Subjects, that we have, with the Advice of our Said Privy Council, granted our Letters Patent, under our Great Seal of Great Britain, to erect, within the Countries and Islands ceded and confirmed to Us by the said Treaty, Four distinct and separate Governments, styled and called by the names of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada, and limited and bounded as follows, viz.
We could use "British Colonies in America."
Wikipedia has abbreviated this and uses "British America."
What would you feel is the best option? Or do you have a different place name idea?
I'd like to open a dialogue about this and to see if we can come to a concensus on the best place name that accurately describes the location for these profile events.
Thanks in advance for your participation.