Looking for info on James Millard abt 1809 Somerset, England

+2 votes
Married to Marriett Whitman
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G1 (1.6k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Hello Heidi

I think James Millard's wifes name was Harriett Millard. You can see how this confusion could have arisen through bad writing on documentation.

In the 1841 census you will find them living at Cross, Compton Bishop, Somerset.

They have a 4 year old son. Their age estimates are James 35, and Harriett 32. James is an agricultural labourer. Harriett is at home.

In 1851 tey are still in Cross, James is working as a Groom and is keeper of The Kings Arms Tap. Harry is not at home as he is now 14 and is probably working away on another farm at the time of the census.

The 1851 census says that James was born in 1805, in Compton Bishop, Somerset . Harriett is now stated by the enumerator to have been born in Burrington, Somerset, in 1804. I think he may have made a transcription error here again with bad writing of 1809.

I was unable to locate them in 1861 but in 1871 census they are still living in Cross but it looks as if Harriett is telling fibs about her age as this is given as 55. In this census her birthplace is given as Keynsham, Gloucestershire.

It seems very unlikely that there could be two families of James and Harriett Millard living in Cross so you will need to sort out the truth about Harriett and see if Harry links down to your tree.

I was unable to find any record of a marriage and theirs may simply have been an agreed marriage between themselves.

There is some information on Cross at :


Good luck with your researches

John Shipton

Devon, England
by John Shipton G2G6 Mach 1 (15.6k points)
I so appreciate the information you have provided. I could not connect the son, Harry.  My great great grandfather was James George Millard, born in 1859 in England, believed to be Somerset or Somersetshire perhaps? Do you have any way of verifying this info?
Hello Heidi

In the UK census for 1871 there is a 12 year old James George Millard. His parents are George Millard and Sarah Ann millard. James was born in East Harptree, Somersetshire which is probably less than 15 miles from Cross so this looks like a good contender. At the time of the census they are living in West Harptree and George is listed as head of the household.

Are you OK to download copy of census document?

If so go for George Millard as his will be the first name that the enumerator records in his little black book. Get a copy of the original document to see if there were any others in the family.


John Shipton

Devon, England
That did the trick! I now have one generation more than I did before. It listed Silas Coombs as Sarah Ann's father! I cannot thank you enough for sending me this help all the way from England!!!
+2 votes
There is a James Millard bap. 18 Mar 1804 at Compton Bishop,Somerset,England

parents James Millard & Jane
by Peterson Cobbett G2G6 Mach 2 (22.9k points)

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