Aleatha Madrid line.

0 votes
Her father was Howard Lamont Madrid from NY. Mother was Delina ( ).
in Genealogy Help by Living Austin G2G1 (1.9k points)

PS:  Ken, if you go to

There is a free search tool where you can plug in names, estimated birth range, location etc to find and trace these families.

There is census data from 1910 to 1940 with Delina/Lina and all there children.  You can then plug in the childrens names, birth year ranges etc to find out more.

On a previous answer I incorrectly listed 'Mahoney" as the OH county - because the record was difficult to read.  It appears that would actually be "Mahoning, OH"

Often there is an 'image' available on that site that you can save/print/download - for your personal records.  Another example is below, showing them in PA

Good Luck with your searches.

U S Census, 1910 Bradford Ward 5, McKean, PA

self  Howard L Madrid  M 33y New York

wife  Lina O Madrid F 32y Pennsylvania

son  Merle L Madrid M 7y Pennsylvania

dau  Myrtle A Madrid F 7y Pennsylvania

dau  Letha M Madrid F 5y Pennsylvania

Citing this Record  "United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( ), Howard L Madrid, Bradford Ward 5, McKean, Pennsylvania; citing sheet 10A, family 222, NARA microfilm publication T624, FHL microfilm 1375386.

1 Answer

0 votes

Death record for Delina O Marsh Madrid, dau of  Benjamin Marsh and Phoebe Morrison

Ohio, Deaths

Mrs. Delina O Madrid

Death : 27 Jan 1946

event place: Poland Twp., Mahoney, OH

residence: Lowellville, Mahoney, OH

street address:  RD2 Lowellville, OH

Female White  Widow

age: 67y6m25d

birth:  02 Jul 1878  Marsburg, PA

burial date: January 28, 1946

burial place: Poland, OH

cemetery: Riverside Cem

father: Benjamin Marsh  birthplace:  Marshburg, PA

mother: Phoebe Morrison  birthplace: Marshburg, PA

spouse: Howard L.

certificate  4775  film number: 2372650

digital folder number: 4072625  image number: 01947

Citing this Record  "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (, Delina O Madrid, 1946; citing reference certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

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