PS: Ken, if you go to
There is a free search tool where you can plug in names, estimated birth range, location etc to find and trace these families.
There is census data from 1910 to 1940 with Delina/Lina and all there children. You can then plug in the childrens names, birth year ranges etc to find out more.
On a previous answer I incorrectly listed 'Mahoney" as the OH county - because the record was difficult to read. It appears that would actually be "Mahoning, OH"
Often there is an 'image' available on that site that you can save/print/download - for your personal records. Another example is below, showing them in PA
Good Luck with your searches.
U S Census, 1910 Bradford Ward 5, McKean, PA
self Howard L Madrid M 33y New York
wife Lina O Madrid F 32y Pennsylvania
son Merle L Madrid M 7y Pennsylvania
dau Myrtle A Madrid F 7y Pennsylvania
dau Letha M Madrid F 5y Pennsylvania
Citing this Record "United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( ), Howard L Madrid, Bradford Ward 5, McKean, Pennsylvania; citing sheet 10A, family 222, NARA microfilm publication T624, FHL microfilm 1375386.