Relationship Finder (RF) errors

+2 votes
Part of this was posted on WikiTree Tech

Errors may occur when "Search 30 Generations" button is used.  Both my Paternal GrandFather (Barbour-1017) and my Paternal GrandMother (Coe-2227) are related to English and Scottish royalty.

In this example, a RF search of William the Conqueror Normandie-32 (1027-1097) with  >30 generations results in incorrect data for my father's and my status.

Wm is a 23rd GGF to my GM (Coe-2227). Wm is a 2C27X to me (Kellogg-1557) through my GM; not a 25th GGF.

Wm is a 28th GGF to my GF (Barbour-1017). My father (Kellogg-1694) is a 27th GGNephew through my GF; not a 29th GGSon.   Both of us are 31 generations from Wm.

Another example:  Crinan Dunkeld-9 (0980-1045).

<30 generations:  GF 25th GGF; GM 28th GGF; father 28th GGF (by different GM Tree.)

>30 generations: Myself-- No Relationship Found through GF or GM; not a 27th GGSon.

A work-around would be to break RF seaches into segments less than 30 generations and "paste" them together.
in The Tree House by George Kellogg G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
When going back that many generations, there can be many, many different paths -- and the Relationship Finder has a (non-obvious) dropdown list for most of those alternate paths.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
+2 votes

> possible explanation of the function(s) and processes of Relationship Finder Help:Relationship Finder

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (686k points)
I am becoming more and more overwhelmed with the One World Tree since I found out my GF and GM are related, 8th cousins.  I'm often finding people who are related to both of them, such as yourself.  Peter (Piers) Dutton-119 (1367-1433) is your 20th GGF; my 14th through my GF, his 16th, of course, and 14th GGF to my GM.
a well written article about how we are all cousins...

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