Can the match suggestions be in table form instead of simple list?

+4 votes


Since there are often a lot of suggestions when trying to add new people and I find it hard to go down the list to spot the birth day, or place. It would make much more sense if it was in table form, so there is a cell for each information, birth date and birth place separate, and same for death if it is included. 

Going cross eyed trying to read the lists... cool

in WikiTree Tech by Antonia Reuvers G2G6 Mach 6 (63.0k points)
That would help. The profiles without dates or locations are however really difficult
Yeah someone uploaded a whole Swedish tree with only given name and surname along with birth year, and since Swedes had such common names they could be any number of people. I admit I don't look into those in checking for duplicates which is why I spent the last 48 hours going over that 2 year old tree to add birth places and precise dates so people don't risk adding and adding people already in the tree.

Since not creating duplicates is so important for Wikitree, one would hope they would make it easier not to do so.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Tables don't do well on mobile devices, so I don't see us making this change.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (681k points)

That is a shame, also since building trees on mobile devices are not very user friendly so I doubt people who does so in any sort of capacity is in very low numbers versus those who use computers. 

How about color coding it then?

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