Y-SNP Subclade Predictor: extract Y-DNA from an autosomal test

+3 votes

Don't waste money on the Y dna tests, just upload your raw dna .zip file to: Y-SNP Subclade Predictor: extract Y-DNA from an autosomal test.

Note: This only works for male dna autosomal test kits from 23 and Me and Ancestry. 

It was easy., it took 2 mins. no wait , no login, no sign up,. just go here and upload your raw dna zip file. 

I knew I was E1b1b1a1 , it nailed mine exactly E V-13 

go here for the link: 

Robert Spencer

in The Tree House by Robert Spencer G2G1 (1.5k points)
retagged by Jillaine Smith


Motley dna is not accurate. 

Please try this one

I have paid for BigY and other full sequencing labs on my YDNA, clade finder able to tell which branch you belong but it may not give you the right haplotree. You still need to pay for those services to get the right one.

Yikes, the EV-13 haplogroup originated 4500ybp - the iron age. 23andme's own Y haplogroup predictor should be able to do much better - the latest chip can do DF85 1850ybp which is getting into recorded history at least.
Forgot about 23andme, they classified me into a wrong paternal haplogroup.

They denied and never improve and claims all the 4 different labs which showing same result with my Y and branch are incorrect using different methodology.

23andme is just another Google. They main business is something else
Interesting, would you happen to know the era of E-L117?  I paid FTDNA to refine my yDNA a few years ago.  Thanks
E-L117 is one of the defining variants of the M35 haplogroup. 34,600ybp.
All Spencer men in FTDNA Group 1 (the Four Brothers) have this SNP path: E-V13 > CTS8814 > CTS5856 > BY3880 > Z5018 > S2979 > FGC11457 > FGC11451 > FGC11450 > Z21291 > BY107571 > BY56509.    Those then descended from Gerard 1614 have E-SK1027, and somewhere later, perhaps descended from Micajah 1694, also have E-FT111977.   That summarizes the four BigY Spencer results that I know of.

Rob, I knew I had Spencer ancestry. It looks like Gerard Spencer was a mutual ggf.

Mike, by all means join the FTDNA Spencer surname project, and add your Y DNA data there.  I'm currently trying to help others with 4 brick walls (upstate NY, probably Gerard descendants) and any new data will help.
Rob, however that mutual ggf is not in my direct paternal line.

1 Answer

+4 votes
E-V13 is a very crude measurement for a haplogroup; pretty much worthless from a genealogical perspective.

Clearly, a waste of time and money to do as suggested.

Far better to do the proper testing than to look for a cheap alternative.
by Andrew Ross G2G6 Mach 3 (38.5k points)
This sounds a lot like you get what you pay for.
I disagree that predictions of haplogroup via autosomal DNA are "worthless."  Their value lies in refutation.  A "match" using this "10,000 foot view" does not prove that two males originate from the same founder.  But a mismatch at that level can rule out a common male founder with high confidence.

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