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Victoria (Brown) Alford. Have been working on my genealogy since 1979 when found book by DAR on Hoyt, Haight families in the Wisconsin State Historical Society with my great grandfather listed going back to Simon Hoyt 1589/90.  Did not pursue until past 7 years. Research now includes St. John, Benedict, Lockwood,  Beaufort, Hodges, St. John, Lindahl, Opprecht/Opreicht, Dodd among others and indirect relationship to Henry VII. I belong to My Had trouble locating a great-grandmother who died in 1900s until a man from Norway on that site showed me that we had the same great-great grandmother. It was easier for me  to go back centuries than to find her in the same century. Since my grandfather spoke Swedish that is where I looked and could not find a connection. He immigrated from Norway. If I had known a little history I would have known that many left Sweden due to the political climate.  So sometimes need to think outside of the box. Belonging to a site was useful . I found that it also coincides with my 23&me.

Lot of Browns Westchester Co., NY and  Hoyts who pioneered towns of Norwalk-Danbury-Stamford in CT.  St. Johns back to 1300s. Those go back to England, Wales, Ireland and France), Newer generations are Swedish, Swiss, German. I was responding to a link to Mary P Hodge(s).

Nancy Hodges (9-9-1813) married Stephen Hoyt sept. 17,1786. They had Mary P born sept 14-1809 d June 29, 1870. She married Lyman Brown 1805-1890. He moved part of his family to Wisconsin before it became a state. Some of his older children remained in New York.  He was a merchant who became a farmer after his daughters burned most of the house down. He has son Stephen who has George who has Robert who has me. The family lived in the same home for over 100 years.They were one of or the first to grow apples in the Kickapoo River Valley. The applies won acclaim at the world fair in NY around 1900. Some parts go back to 1200.

In reference to Mary Polly Hodges.

We have a Mary Polly Beebe who married Noah Brown(father of Lyman) she June 17-1776 to August 1, 1861 while Noah born November 2, 1778.  Lyman Brown 1805-1890 married to Mary P. Polly Hodge(s) 1809-1890. Her mother was Nancy Hodges. I have more information on site or if asked particular information.

I am writing a book, working on my genalogy for my children and grandchildren who;at best,seem disinterested in “dead people” and paint while working as Travel Nurse.

QUESTION: I know John Fitzgeoffrey’s father is George. When John has children some come up as Fitzgeoffrey(his last name)while others show up as Fitzjohn when both have same father. For me it confusing. Would they not belong to Fitzjohn and not the grandparent? It seems randomly applied.  I also have trouble following Welsch lineage. Any suggestions?
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in The Tree House by anonymous G2G Crew (430 points)
Hi Victoria!  Welcome to WikiTree!  I trust you will find it as fun and as useful as I have!


Hello and Welcome to WikiTree! Wow, you've been at this a very long time. I've dallied with the idea of writing a book. I know it is a huge undertaking and I wish you all the best. I'm so glad you've joined us here. I'm sure you have much to contribute toward expanding and improving our one-world tree.

Welcome to WikiTree. We are lucky to have you because you have so much to add to our huge family tree. I wish you the best with your research and with the writing of your book.

2 Answers

+6 votes

Welcome to Wikitree smiley

How funny I was just working on connecting a Hoyt 

See Marietta (Hoyt) Sargent (1842 - 1864)

by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
+5 votes

Hi Victoria, welcome to WikiTree!

The naming convention of Fitz would depend a lot on the time period and place of origination. It was used in Ireland, France and England. The way it was used was slightly different in some places and time periods.

The Welsh had their own way of giving surnames historically the surname changed with every person that had children. That does make them hard to trace. Some still use the old way but most don't these days.

Congratulations on finding all the information you have. Good luck with your book!

I have Hodges ancestors too. smiley

by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)

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