Is anyone closer than 19 degrees from Edward Hopper?

+14 votes
I am connected to him through Parliament and McTaggart marriages.19 steps in toto.

My blood relationship is even longer as we are 27th cousins, twice removed.
WikiTree profile: Edward Hopper
in The Tree House by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by David Hughey
Interesting. I am 22 steps away, but 25th cousins, once removed.
I'm 17 degrees and 27th cousins.
No, 19 degrees and 7th cousins four times removed

16 degrees and 6th cousins 3x removed smiley

My wife is 15 degrees (and me 16 through her). She's also a 7th cousin 3x removed through a slightly different path.

11 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer

David, only answering as the result made me laugh. WikiTree believes Hopper and I are 24th cousins four times removed but Uncertain. The Uncertainty, as with many things leading back to certain noble families, lies with Margaret (Hollingsworth) Walker and her place in the Hollingsworth family. If anyone cares to take another crack at this, there is a g2g for it.

WikiTree places my connection with Adeliza FitzGilbert (Clare) de Clare (abt 1069-1138).

by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (496k points)
selected by SJ Baty
Thanks for the star, SJ. And, speaking of Adeliza, can one be a fitz if a daughter rather than a son?
The way I would see it......once FitzGilbert became a "complete" last name.
+11 votes
No relationship - 20 degrees conection.

Great profile!
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+12 votes
Edward Hopper [Hopper-1] is 17 degrees from Mildred Wheeler Gillett [Wheeler-18799].  Edward and Mildred are 8th cousins.  Edward Hopper and Mildred Wheeler Gillett are both descendants of Aechtje Jans [Jans-24].  Aechtje seventh great grandmother of Edward.  Aechtje seventh great grandmother of Mildred.
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
+10 votes
24th cousin 4 times removed via Adeliza FitzGilbert de Clare and also cousin to Mildred Gillet and SJ Baty .....Hi Mildred and SJ, as well as, all the others on this site, to this moment.....Hi Cousins!
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (389k points)
edited by John Thompson
My how things change with 17 degrees and 8C3R.
+10 votes
No, but we are 22 degrees and 25th cousins, once removed, with Richard Fitzgilbert (Clare) de Clare as the common ancestor.
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+8 votes

"Boats Horizon" Watercolor by Trish, adopted born Loretta- Trish Schmig is my adopted married name.  Edward is  20 degrees in my Beeson line, which I am still investigating for more sources, if anyone can help.    I recently painted this with watercolor pencil, a hobby I just got back into.   Looking at his paintings, wow !  It's back to more lessons!  But it inspired me to add it as an interest to my profile Maybe I finally got it to link!  Had to put it to an unlocked profile I manage

by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (184k points)
edited by Loretta Morrison
+7 votes
David, I thought I'd take a shot at working on Hopper's wife's line. It appears that she was a descendent of the Revolutionary War era portrait artist, William Henry Verstille. Samples of his work hang in both the Smithsonian and the Met in New York.
by Christina Jobe G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)
+7 votes
20 degrees. A tad remote at 27th cousins once removed and (uncertain) at that. It seems our relationship is through a man who resided in Normandy France, one Osbern de Bolebec (ca. 952 - 1035). His son, connecting through my Wade line, comes over to England with William the first while another son of the same is thought to be Adeliza FitzGilbert de Clare's grandfather. I've also got de Clare's among my ancestors, and so I imagine there could be other connections in there as well.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
edited by Frank Blankenship
+5 votes

Edward Hopper is 18 Degrees from Steven Mix

If correct, he is a direct cousin of mine, through the Bogaerts ancestor, into New Netherland.
by Steven Mix G2G6 Mach 5 (50.4k points)
+4 votes

14 generations - We are 5th cousins twice removed and, we are both descendants of Elizabeth (Demarest) Campbell (1715-1797).

by Kerry Stuhlmuller G2G2 (2.5k points)
+3 votes
I'm 17 degrees, but we're 6th cousins 4x removed.
by Deborah Barber G2G6 (9.4k points)

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