Hi there. I was recently doing some work trying to connect a Pulliam ancestor of mine (Pulliam-1234) to the more well established William Pulliam and Ann Patterson family and was just utterly dismayed at the status of many of the Pulliam profiles of this family. Practically none of them have primary sources attached to them, duplicate profiles, and random family connections abound, and most consist of GED/ancestry import junk. What's more, upon further research, I've found a litany of traditions and family trees surrounding the family of William Pulliam, but have been able to dig up very little in the way of actual primary sources myself. I have two questions that arise from all this:
1. Is there a tag/template/category that should be used to mark these profiles as needing more work to "clean them up" so to speak? I don't have time personally to work on them all myself (though might in the future), but would love to mark them as needing more work for those who might have specialities or are more knowledgeable about the family in general.
2. Is there anybody who's familiar with the William Pulliam Ann Patterson Family who would know/ could point me to where I could find primary sources on them? This family just has me at a loss as there's so many family connections to it, but practically no sources.