I keep getting an error message when I try to post information about my maternal grandmother on my tree.

+1 vote
It says that an active WikiTree User has her as living, and while I have her as not Living. I have no idea who this other person would be, not=r how to get ahold of them.

I am positive that I did not put the wrong dates (born 1896, died Oct 1980)

I'm about to say 'Forget it' and quit!
in WikiTree Help by Loralee Wellington G2G2 (2.5k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Loralee, I think you'll need to point us to a profile to look at before anyone will be able to help you diagnose the problem.  All your data is private, and I couldn't find your maternal grandmother.  If grandmother has a profile here managed by someone else, and you need to communicate with that member about it, use the [send private message] link on that member's profile.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (586k points)
Thank you, Dennis, for replying. I think the dratted thing disappeared. I tried to post the link to it on the question, but it wouldn't finish the question with it there, so I guess I was doing it wrong. Anyway, I understand that I need to message the person, but it never gave me a name. It just said that someone had her as living, while I was trying to post her as deceased.

I suppose it could be me that has a profile already for her, but on my homepage, it shows my tree as empty (or it did, anyway, before I added my mother. At any rate, it seems like I never put up a profile for her in the past...)
Well, before you get too frustrated with this, you might want to ask one of the mentors to give you a hand.  You're not the first one to encounter problems in getting started, and they have some experience in dealing with such problems:

So sorry to take so long to reply; I just saw your reply! Thanks for the encouragement! =)

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