The profile for Elizabeth (Wedgwood) Hawksworth
Which Josiah Wedgwood were you referring to?
Josiah Wedgwood and Elizabeth (Wedgwood) Hawksworth are both descendants of Richard Wedgwood.
1. Josiah is the son of Thomas Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 2. Thomas is the son of Thomas Wedgwood II [unknown confidence] 3. Thomas is the son of Thomas Wedgwood I [unknown confidence] 4. Thomas is the son of Gilbertus Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 5. Gilbertus is the son of Richard Wedgwood [unknown confidence] This makes Richard the third great grandfather of Josiah.
1. Elizabeth is the daughter of Christopher Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 2. Christopher is the son of John Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 3. John is the son of John Wedgwood [confident] 4. John is the son of Thomas Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 5. Thomas is the son of Ralph Wedgwood [unknown confidence] 6. Ralph is the son of Richard Wedgwood [unknown confidence] This makes Richard the fourth great grandfather of Elizabeth.