See if it will fly?

+2 votes
Can we just start something up and see if it will fly.......or do we have to fill in an application first?
in The Tree House by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (389k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Not sure what you want to do.  More information is needed.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (829k points)
selected by John Thompson
To choose a subject and ask a question to start a conversation.......thanks for responding Linda.    Jack
Still don't understand what you want to do.  Do you mean ask a question to start a conversation in G2G? You just did that, so you must mean something else. Start a freespace project? Start a Name Study? Please explain more.
Thanks for responding Ros........There is  a madness to my method...... did I get that right?, we're off and flying. Jack
Ros, The pig, in question, flew in a basket attached to the wing strut of a Voisin Aircraft on Sheppey Isle on the second official flight, on English soil, of an was piloted by John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon-5 to prove "Pigs Can Fly".    Jack     PS  I wrote too quickly from was six months later, 04 Nov 1909, in a Short Brothers No.2 Aircraft (licensed from Wright Brothers).
+1 vote
Actually it's "Method to my Madness".

What is it you want to fly? You want some help with something, or you just want to have conversation with people? Do you have a question about Wikitree, or genealogy?
by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
It's wonderful to hear from you Dallace.......As I consider that I have just found a closer cousin......more to the point, I have two more months to practice and learn before I can request my pre1500 on another question I am honouring a close relative of yours and would be honoured if you chose to join in, some more.   Jack
Ok, you have my attention. May I ask which close relative of mine you are honouring and what if any thing does the pre 1500 certification have to do with it? What specifically do you want me to join in on?
Your 7th. cousin 6 times removed, John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon-5, who can be found on Wikipedia, among others, where many famous stories are told of him.   Jack
Also, Dallace, for pre1500 it is recommended that I participate in "Projects", which I'm attempting, also I want to learn how to "upload" articles to for joining in, you could call it improving profiles, hopefully for fun and I've heard said "The Sky is the Limit".   Jack

You forgot to add (Uncertain) after 7th cousin 6x removed. There is a very big possibility that John and I are not related at all. But it would be interesting, because right now my family is not exciting in the least.sad  Some one else will have to explain the relationship finder to you. I don't know that much about it.blush

Dallace .....I have checked .....and am convinced that you are really who you are.....on the would have to argue you're not......only to prove that your remaining ancestors are even more famous.    Jack

I am who my profile says I am.laugh  As for improving profiles, I am in the Profile Improvement Project and I work on improving the profiles I created. 

I can't wait to see what you can find, I can't get past the 1700's.

John, don't worry about getting Pre-1500 certification.  Very few people do that.  Start adding profiles of your parents, grandparents, etc and make sure that you have them well sourced with Primary sources and don't duplicate any profiles that already exist on the site.  Once you have been on for a little while, you can get Pre-1700 Certification and learn what is acceptable on those profiles.  Pre-1500 is very difficult to find sources so the process to certify is much tougher and your own contributions and profiles will be reviewed.
Linda, That's a very good comment, as I have a tremendous amount of work to do and have some hurdles, to learn, to jump through, such as getting documents and references onto profiles.   Jack
Dallace, Both William Brabazon  and the O'Carroll's are our ancestors, although there are some questions to look at.....I find it interesting to study when another connecting branch comes into play.....hope to keep in touch,    Jack

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