Could someone look this up in Richardson?

+6 votes
The unlikely Warine Geraard is said on Wikitree to have been husband of Jane FitzAlan-234 daughter of Edmund FitzAlan-586 earl of Arundel. According to ODNB Jane is said to have married Lord Lisle. Richardson says it was Eleanor FitzAlan-634 who married Gerard Lisle-57. They were parents of Warin Lisle-94. Looks to me as though the unsourced Warine Geraard is a corruption of Gerard and Warin de Lisle and thus Jane and Eleanor represent the same person. Can't tell why ODNB thinks she was Jane. Anyone able to see why Richardson thinks she was Eleanor?
WikiTree profile: Warine Geraard
in Genealogy Help by C. Mackinnon G2G6 Pilot (352k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The entry for Eleanor de Arundel in 2011's Magna Carta Ancestry, volume II, [page 181] FITZ ALAN 5.iv., says she had a son Warin by Gerard de Lisle & the fine print has 'Marat Hist. of Lincolnshire 3 (1816): 7 ("Jane the younger married Warren Lord Lisle.").' Later, there are two entries that say a daughter of Edmund was wife of Warren/Warine Gerard - the sources (both pub'd late 1800s) have Jane; Richardson added [sic].

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (672k points)
selected by Carol Baldwin

sorry - I didn't actually answer your question. The last bits of the fine print on p 181 supports Eleanor m Gerard (just before the entry for Warin de Lisle). Let me know if you can't access Google Book's snippit view (I think it depends on what country you're in?) and I'll transcribe it.

+5 votes
There is no Jane FitzAlan in Plantagenet Ancestry who married Gerard de Lisle. Eleanor de Arundel is his wife. Vol. 2, page 65. The citation to Richardson appears to be in error.
by Todd Murray G2G6 Mach 1 (10.9k points)

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