Lett-143 Has incorrect wife according to family bible, how to change?

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in WikiTree Help by Mike Haworth G2G Rookie (250 points)

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+3 votes
According to text in the Bio, Lett-143 had two wives, one of which has apparently not yet been profiled.  If that tracks with the name you got from a family bible, it's probably OK to add a profile for her and make the connection to Lett-143.  If your data says that the wife who has been profiled is incorrect, she can be detached from Lett-143 on the edit screen, but before doing that, the communication guidelines would urge you to contact the profile manager and compare notes.  The other possibility would be to leave a comment on the profile indicating what change you would propose to make, identify the source, and see if anyone reacts to that.  If there's no immediate response, I would give it at least a few weeks before detaching a relationship, and try to verify what you found with some other source in the meantime.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (586k points)

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