Is Agness Chappell first wife of James Stanton (1779-1852) of Virginia?

+3 votes
There are multiple men named James Stanton found in the Virginia Quaker records though most can be carefully differentiated. There is an 1802 marriage of a James Stanton and Agness Chappell which appears to be a first marriage of the profile subject. James would have been age 23 in 1802. However, I am unable to find a death record for Agness. Can anyone find it? It would be pre-1817 when James marries Ann Robinson, apparently a widow with two daughters who are identified with the surname Robinson in later records of the children in the family. I have yet to identify Ann Robinson's first husband or maiden name if anyone stumbles upon those.

Also unable to yet find birth records for the natural children of James. In later records Ann is mentioned as their mother but is this as step-mother and they are from James' first marriage?

Edit: just a caution that the mother of Agness is also an Agness (clearly identified in records).
WikiTree profile: James Stanton
in Genealogy Help by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (516k points)
edited by T Stanton

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