Hello every one,
My name is Jean Claude PASCAL from France. Since several years now I worked on my family tree (mainly french origin : PASCAL, SALAÜE, DURIEZ, BUTTEUX families) and on the tree of my wife (mainly australian, english and irish origins : BULMER, CRAMP, CARTER, BLACKBURN families).
My complete tree include actually more than 5500 individuals stablished off line with "Ancestris" software, but I concentrate my efforts on ours direct ascendants (actually 701 individuals) and I try to find complet and precise sources for them. I only put them on line on Internet to help me reach that goal.
For the french branch, "Geneanet" was very helpfull, I hope that "Wikitree" will help me for my australian's wife branch where sources are very difficult to find.
I stated to create profiles for our 701 direct ascendants (only about 60 done so far).
Thanks in advance for your help ans excuse my approximative english (lack of parctice).