John Jackson b. Moore

+1 vote
John (ask)Jackson b. Moore b. Approx. 1857-1861

In Washington co. Virginia

S/0 William A Moore/Sallie Darnell

M. Bettie (aka)Betsey

 ( born 1880)

Dinsmoore in 1898

D/0 Samuel C Dinsmore/melissa Henderson

John and Betty we're married 12 years according to 1910 census always found in Washington county since birth their children Rachel Virginia and Paul we're all left orphans except for Elijah they ended up in CHS care in Richmond in between 1910 and 1912.

John and Betty disappeared and have no longer been found in any of the Census.

My grandfather Paul was told that his parents died in some sort of Auto or rail Road accident. I've Spent years researching I am not able to find an obituary or anything in researching railroad accidents No grave has been found. Although I've tried It will not do me any good  following their children because they were separated from them. I live in the state of Oregon and unable to do any research be done on the internet I really need someone's help to locate the remains of John (aka) Jack b.(aka) Jackson b.

Wife/ Betty A (aka) Betsey A


Thank you so much.
in Genealogy Help by Twila Trejo G2G Crew (670 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Ok, I found a little more on him and I've added what I could find. Hope this helps!
by Lisa Linn G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)
selected by Twila Trejo
Thank you
+2 votes
Twila, do you have a profile made for John Jackson? It would be a good idea to start there and do a rootsearch afterwards.
by Lisa Linn G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)
Well, I only found one record, I don't know why he's so hard to find anything on. Unless the birth date is really off, or his name as different.
Yes this is him

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