category for county institutions like a House of Industry & Refuge?

+2 votes
I ran across a county House in the 1870's to about 1901 I thought may be of interest. History, names of "inmates", death, burial and birth records, etc. To whom would I send or inquire about?

 The House of Industry and Refuge was a home to many types of people. These individuals were considered ‘Inmates’ and participated in the upkeep of the building and working of the land. Reasons for admission were listed as: weak minds, idiots, insane, destitution, sickness, old age, intemperance, crippled, blind, pregnant, etc. The home held approximately 35- 40 female and male inmates.
in The Tree House by Deb Bales G2G5 (5.2k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I closed the other copy of this, since this one (the second one posted) apparently had been edited a little after the initial posting.

I came across this in Elgin, Southwold, Ontario, Canada as a House of Industry and Refuge. Records of births, death, cemetery and remains taken to a medical facility. I'm having visual issues but thought it worthy of a category as individuals were considered ‘Inmates’ and used for the upkeep of the building and working of the land. Reasons for admission were listed as: weak minds, idiots, insane, destitution, sickness, old age, intemperance, crippled, blind, pregnant, etc. if anyone should know how and want to take this to its place. I don't see anything to place for a Canadian facility.

thank you. I have visual issues and hoping someone would find and interest in it. I came across this in Elgin, Southwold, Ontario, Canada as a House of Industry and Refuge. Records of births, death, cemetery and remains taken to a medical facility. I'm having visual issues but thought it worthy of a category as individuals were considered ‘Inmates’ and used for the upkeep of the building and working of the land. Reasons for admission were listed as: weak minds, idiots, insane, destitution, sickness, old age, intemperance, crippled, blind, pregnant, etc. if anyone should know how and want to take this to its place. I don't see anything about placement for a Canadian facility.

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