I am looking for the father of John McElroy, born in Warrensburg NY in 1831. He married Anna Saraphina Farrar in 1855.

+3 votes

I am looking for the father of John McElroy. 

When John Lundy McElroy was born on May 1, 1831, in Thurman, New York, his father, William, was 53 and his mother, Jane, was 26. He married Anna Sarafina Farrar in 1855 in New York. They had nine children in 17 years. He died on April 8, 1905, in Warrensburg, New York, at the age of 73, and was buried there.

WikiTree profile: John McElroy
in Genealogy Help by John McElroy G2G Rookie (240 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I suggest you try familysearch.org. It’s a free site. Also please do not add profiles without citing sources. At least a birth or death record is preferable.Saying US census is not a source.

If you are unsure how to cite sources just give an example and what profile you wish to add to, there will always be volunteers willing to help you.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Susan Smith
Your response was a little caustic. I will use other sites....
I am sorry you feel that way, I was just pointing you to ways to improve your profiles and encouraging you to ask more questions. We like to help newbies to help themselves (with our assistance).


Please don't give up! This is a great place to collaborate. That said, it is easier to help when we know the sources you have already found. As Susan said, there is a good citation to copy when you find a source on FamilySearch. 

From the profile-### menu pick Research, supply your WikiTree credentials (once) and search desired place. I tried this for John, but unfortunately he wasn't living with parents in 1850, and apparently married before the 1855 census.

Here's a couple of WikiTree help links https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Sources and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Sources_FAQ

+3 votes

>Help:Sources You must include your sources when you put information on WikiTree. It's in our Honor Code. For more about our policies, see the Sources FAQ.

  • FamilySearch.org has a "Show citation" in the lower left corner that will generate a fine citation.
by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (683k points)

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