Is it possible to sort profiles by where people lived

+6 votes
I am part of a group -not or not yet on WikiTree- who are attempting to trace the relationships between all the people buried in Alton Cemetery, Peel County, Ontario, from 1839-1920, my husband is related to almost all of them.

I have a list of all the burials from 1839 to 2010. If I could sort profiles by where people lived or died, it would be very useful.

We a group of cousins- have been tracing the families of those buried there and their interconnections via well sourced trees on other sites. It does work I'm just hoping for a way to make less time consuming as none of us are getting any younger.

Any ideas?

in WikiTree Help by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (870k points)

You could request a category. Give the location of the cemetery and perhaps the findagrave cemetery number

You could also add the location categories for the individuals' places of birth and death, if you have sources for that.

Good idea, I have the BMD information for most of the people, it's figuring out exactly what the connection is to the many, many members of my husband's family that is taking the time as I need to connect them on WikiTree first

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Hi M!

I am the Team Leader for the Ontario Cemeteries Team. I can certainly help you out with some of this.
by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
selected by M Ross
Thanks Christine, any help is very welcome, right now I'm concentrating on adding all my husband's family members to Wikitree. After I get that finished, then I can start adding the many in laws and all the other related families.

His family history in Canada starts in 1830, the family bought land in Alton in 1832 and intermarried with many other founding families.

I'm the Ontario Team Leader of the Canada Project, M. You are most welcome to join us or to simply check out our page to see if any of its free-space pages or the resource page is of interest to you. I look forward to seeing your tree as it progresses!

The cemetery category is set up and I have added some profiles to it.
Thanks again, I found it and have added a few more profiles to it. I will continue to add the profiles that I have already created to the category.

Then add all the others as I create the rest of the profiles-that will take some time.
Yes I just saw that!! Great job :)

Please feel free to message me directly if you need any more cemetery category or even just Ontario help!
At some point I will get the Alton branch of my husband's family finished.

After that if there isn't already a Beachburg Cemetery category, it's in Renfrew, Ontario, it would be next.

My husband's various family branches have been here for a long time. His earliest ancestor arrived in 1780, he was a UEL, all but one of the other branches arrived between 1828 and 1850, the other one arrived in 1911.

I will let you know when I need another cemetery.

Perfect. Beachburg Union is already set up.

+5 votes

1) Hopefully someone will have a better answer for you, I did this search Alton Cemetery, Peel County, Ontario

2) Could someone create a Category for Alton Cemetery?

Here are some profiles to start the Category

by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (273k points)
Thanks, the first 4 are all relatives, there are 9 Coulters buried there, no idea if they are connected to my husband's family.

That search was within WikiTree or just google?
+7 votes
With WikiTree+ you can do queries like Profiles of people that lived in places with words alton and peel: (hit "Get profiles" to run)

Currently resultset of 46 profiles
by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (307k points)
That is just marvelous!  It also tells me that at least 1 person who is important in this story has an orphaned profile.

There are 738 burials in Alton Cemetery, but I'm not going to include anyone who is not part of the founding families and their descendants..though that's still a lot.

Thanks again
+4 votes
In the earlier days,it might have been possible; but we live in a mobile society so even our census locations every 10 years don't always capture that information.
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
My question should have said where they died and were buried, as my interest is in people buried in a particular cemetery.

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