Robert Maud, Ireland to Ontario

+3 votes

I have a Robert Maud, born about 1768 in Ireland, who immigrated to Ontario and settled in Leeds County (Brockville, Ontario area). I know he had one son, Henry, born about 1807 also in Ireland.

I have another Robert Maud (born about 1789 in Ireland) who also settled in the same area. I feel like he is also a son of Robert (the elder) and brother to Henry. 

Both Henry and Robert also named their first sons Robert (based on Irish naming patterns, this would indicate their fathers were named Robert).

Is there any possibility of a source to confirm my suspicion? I have found two online trees to support this theory but they lack sourcing.

in Genealogy Help by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
I have had another look at the census information for Leeds in 1851.  I'm going to ignore for this discussion the 66-year-old Robert Maud who was living with his wife and Margaret and son Samuel in Escott township, although that must surely complicate things.

So, there is Henry (45) living with his wife Hannah and family in the vicinity of C8 L17 in Elizabethtown twp.  Living with them was Robert Maud (84).  No relationships are given in the census.

Then, not far away in Landsdown twp., there is the family of Robert (63) and Ann Maud (42).

Since we know from Henry's marriage record (2nd marriage?)  from 1858 that his parents were named Robert and Ann.

Have you considered that the 84-year-old Robert might have been Henry's grand-father not his father?

The Elizabethtown Maud family is:

The Lansdowne Maud family is:
  • Robert Maud, b. abt 1789 in Ireland, d. 1857
  • Ann (Johnston) Maud, abt 1810, Ireland - 1866
  • Elizabeth, abt 1837 - 1919
  • Robert Jr, abt 1839 - 1918, married Mary Webster
  • Eleanor
  • George, 1843 - 1920, married Elizabeth Johnson
  • Henry, abt 1845 - 1905

The age of Henry (son of Robert Maud and Ann Sutton) who married Susannah Astleford in Elizabethtown in 1858 was given as 52.  Their family is listed in Elizabethtown in the 1861 census as:

  • Henry Maud (55, Ireland, M)
  • Susannah (50, Ireland, M)
  • Henry (20, C.W., M)
  • Jane (22, Ireland, M)
  • James Astleford (20, Ireland, S)
  • Eleanor Maud (20, C.W., S)

So, Henry (the father) married Susannah Astleford and Henry (the son) married Jane Astleford. 

1 Answer

+3 votes

For that timeframe, your best bet is Irish Church records. This Irish genealogy course will give some background and links where to find them. Look for births with the same parents. 

If you you can't find a good combo then you can through some other sources at Space:Sources-Ireland-Province-County

good luck in your hunt.

by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (524k points)
Thanks! Again, the two trees I found give Robert Senior's wife as Ann Sutton, but I haven't found an independent source for this.
It looks like Henry's parents were given as Robert Maud and Ann Sutton when he married Susannah Astleford in Elizabethtown in 1858.  I think it was not the first marriage for either.  His birthplace is given as Co. Wexford and hers as Co. Wicklow.  (Note: Her later death registration gives her birthplace as Co. Wexford.  Her husband Henry was the informant for that registration).

I see that one of the online trees has a birthplace as Gorry, although they place it in Donegal.  There is a civil parish in Co. Wexford named Gorry.  There were Mauds/Maudes regsitering events there in the late 1800s and there was a George Maud there in Griffith's Valuation from around 1850.  If you are going to look at Irish Church records, that might be a place to start, if the records exist for your time period.  The online church records at the NLI for Gorry seem to start around 1845.

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