Information on Pruissian (German) parents requested (Leutholt, 1895)

+2 votes
The daughter of Julius Leutholt and Wilhelmine Caroline Emilie Juliane Brodhage later married in the Netherlands.

I am hoping to find a link to Germany. She was born in Altona, Pruissia (currently Hamburg, Germany). All I know is on her profile and that of her parents. Her death is also a little mystery. Maybe she moved back to Germany after the death of her husband.

Any hints are highly appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Dora Leonore Mathilde Leutholt
in Genealogy Help by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (335k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
The civil registry record of Dora's birth in 1895, confirming birth date and parents:
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
Julius Leuthold is still in the 1925 city directory for Altona, his job listed as municipal materials administrator.

Same job, and address on same street (but different house number) in 1913:
Note that the Julius Leuthold listed in the Hamburg directory for 1940 (an "Eiltransporteur" living at Holzbrücke 3) is a different person; I found a death record for him from 1941 stating that he had been born in 1899.
Civil registry record for another child born in 1898, shows that Julius's middle name was Hermann.
Bingo: civil registry death record for Julius Hermann Leuthold, born 5 December 1867 in Lomnitz (doesn't specify which Lomnitz - there was one in Saxony and several in what is now Poland), died 22 February 1949 in Hamburg, father unknown, mother Eleonore Leuthold:
And here is the civil registry death record for the wife, Wilhelmine Leuthold nee Brodthagen, born 17 October 1867 in Silberborn, Kreis Northeim (now part of the city of Holzminden) to Heinrich Brodthagen and Dorothea Brodthagen nee Pleuger, died 12 August 1938 in Hamburg-Altona:
That is truly fast and impressive. Thanks ever so much.

May I ask a confirmation of the full name of the second daughter: Frieda Muina Bertha? Muina is  probably incorrect...
My pleasure!

I read that as Minna.
I read the same: Frieda Minna Bertha

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