Etterlyser mine slektninger i Tyskland.

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Tyskland: han navn er :
Dietrick Gehse født født den 06.06.1895.
Sted: Lucklemberg, Wellinghofen (Dortmund,)
Døde: 30.07.1958,
på sykehuset i Parchim

in The Tree House by Ole Gehse G2G Rookie (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please forgive me for replying in English - I can read Norwegian, but not write it.

The parish registers for Wellinghofen are at (a pay site); however, the record of baptisms only goes through 1888. The civil registry records for Lücklemberg are not online.

There are records for marriages in Wellinghofen through 1905. Do you know anything at all about what Dietrick's father's name or his mother's maiden name might have been, so that we can look for their marriage?
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
Takk for svar.

Jeg har fått opplyst følende:

Hans far er Carl Gehse

Hans mors fornavn kan jeg ikke tyde men etter navnet er


Håper du kan hjelpe.


Great - that was just enough information. I found the marriage of Carl Gehse to Alwine Lütkemeier on 11 November 1873 in Kirchhörde (which is right next to Lücklemberg - see Carl was 20 and the son of miner Caspar Gehse; Alwine was also 20 and the daughter of miner Franz Lütkemeier.

The record is at Archion (German church records online) > Westfalen: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang. Kirche > Kirchenkreis Dortmund-Süd > Kirchhörde > Trauungen, Konfirmationen 1872-1929 > p. 14, marriage #50. Direct link (for those with a subscription to Archion) is

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