Correct Name at Birth for the Levie-Wiener family

+2 votes

All, I have a question about some Jewish people. They are listed here and in the as Barend Moses Schnitsel Levie-Wiener. I was sure that this name is incorrect (Wiener-Schnitsel is a very famous piece of meat in the Netherlands and Germany laugh ). So I sourced 2 marriages and the death of Barend. During his marriages and his death he was called either Levij or Levie. I know (deducted from his marriages) that he was born in 1704, but I can't find his birth/baptism certificate in Amsterdam. I do find a lot of Levi, Levij and Levie in Amsterdam. So who could advise me on his LNAB? I'm pretty sure that the other 5 records with the name Levie-Wiener are also incorrect. 

WikiTree profile: Barend Mozes Levi
in Genealogy Help by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (185k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
in 1704 the dates of you will find online for Amsterdam would be baptism dates, jews didnt get baptised, so you would not find them.

I will see if I can find out for you.
by Bertil van Os de Man G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)
+1 vote

Here is what I found in this short time

he was married twice

First I found in a book that I have, called "jewish marriage in amsterdam 1598-1811"

in the year 1726 in Amsterdam, Barend Mozes Levie born 1704, son of Mozes Abraham, married Abigael Isaac born 1699 in Doesburg, daughter of Isaac Jacob.

Second marrige was in Enk huizen.

Trouwinschrijving Huwelijk Barent Moses Levie en Caatje Moses, 22-02-1733
Plaats wettig huwelijk:
Barent Moses Levie
Voornaam: Barent Moses
Achternaam: Levie
Burg. staat: weduwnaar
afkomstig uit: Amsterdam
Caatje Moses
Voornaam: Caatje
Achternaam: Moses
Burg. staat: weduwe
afkomstig uit: Amsterdam
1702-09 Doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken Enkhuizen, 1581-1910
by Bertil van Os de Man G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)

Thanks a lot for this info. I had sourced this on his profile and also his death. However the factbis that we have about 5 profiles here on WT with an incorrect LNAB and someone shoulde decide if we change it into Levy, Levi or Levie because we know for a fact that it isn't Levie-Wiener although that's been described in the information. So I  hope someone from the Jewish_roots team will decide on this.
Ik zal eerdaags ook even kijken wat er in het besnijdenis boek van Amsterdam staat, dat boek ligt bij mijn broer.
Super bedankt Bertil, want dan hebben we weer iets wat we op het lijstje kunnen afvinken van 'geschied-vervalsing' .

Het was te grappig om waar te zijn. Iemand met als voornaam Wiener en achternaam Schnitsel
Hoi Margreet, it's possible that his ancestors are from Wien.

A tailor is in Jiddish a Shnayder, Sneijder in Dutch, see my point, I think that somebody have made a mistake with the Jiddish/Dutch translation, and translated it to Schnitsler, as is named in the original, Ashkenazi documents, the problem is that hebrew and Jiddihs use the same alphabeth but the phrase is different.

There's always a possibility, but until now I don't find any proof for either Schnitsel as third FNAB or Levie-Wiener for LNAB. I do find the name Levie, Levy or Levi for this family in all archives. I hope Bertil can take a look at the 'besnijdenis' otherwise I will go for the first know name at his first marriage and that is Levij.
0 votes
Either he was not circumcised in amsterdam or the register is gone, but I could not find it. Not even in the archive.
by Bertil van Os de Man G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)
Okay that's a pity and what would your advise be as LNAB?
In amsterdam 99% are called LEVI
Levi it is then. I will pass this to the profile manager of those profiles. Thanks a lot everybody

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