Discussion required on the disconnection of Griffin-434 from the father shown.

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (394k points)
The 11 yrs. research done by Theresa Griffin indicates the present situation is not possible.

Jack, do you mean that the attached father is not possible based on the research of Therese Griffin? Can you explain your rationale for this?

Suggest adding the tags wales, new england, and new york to your question so more of the right eyes see this.
T Stanton,  Theresa's  research, about 2 dozen pages, which I've saved, indicates our Edward is not the same Edward who died earlier in Wales in 1622. I have a "title" about 70 characters long, for the research, but don't know how to display it. Jack
I looked at this because there is a remote chance he is a very distant cousin -- at least the way WikiTree shows him presently. 2 dozen pages is too many to post. Does she give primary source citations to show that the Edward born 1602 is the offspring of the currently connected parents and then shows primary source documentation that this Edward died Wales 1622? If she gives those sources, can you put them on the profile in a new Research Notes section of the bio or in a Comment on the profile?

Is there documentation that the parents came to New York? I am assuming that there is even though we don't have proper source citations (yet) on the father's profile. If the parents came to New York and this Edward is not related, are there any indications of his origins that she gives?

If you have that research in PDF format, I can send you my email address via private message.
Yes, I believe it is in PDF format and is very thorough. In present form, Alice Dalton is a common ancestor of my wife, Kathy, myself, and Kristina Wheeler. Kristina, I believe, will be away until about the middle of August. I intend to follow this through over the time required.   Jack

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