HMT Dunera she carried 2,036 men and boys most of them Jewish refugee

+6 votes

Does this ship have a category, does it deserve one, and what would it be under. see 

The youngest were only 16, the older ones were in their 60's

in The Tree House by anonymous G2G6 Mach 9 (99.5k points)
retagged by anonymous
HMT Dunera category added to the profile.

4 Answers

+7 votes
Of course it "deserves" a category if you have profiles to group in it!

It's just a matter of creating the category and figuring out where/how it belongs in the structure. This is often the hard part!
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Not yet but Walter Freud

Can be his father and grandfather are already here just have to connect the dots, an easy connection to make. 

There is

A little more work would need to be done but i have read his book. 

There is a also the Dunera Association


The Dunera sailed just over 80 years ago on the 10th July 1940.  There was going to be some planned  anniversary functions but were cancelled due to the corona virus.  

That is the problem for me, I have not been to understand how categories even work,I know what sort of categories, I would like to put profiles but I just get frustrated trying to work out, how to find the exact category.

I have made a profile for Walter Freud, he is now, very basic

His biography is pretty nice! Just needs a few more sources and categories and a sticker. Will, nice job!

There is a book called Freud's war by Helen Fry

Which details in more depth what the younger Freud  family members did during the war, including Walter, my kindle however does not have a copy

now i have a problem with one of the sources

it appears i have to keep the website online. Now its back again because i opened the website. going to delete this source

Yes, NAA don't have persistent links to digitised objects - or rather they do, sort of, but won't commit that they won't break. (Their previous approach worked for about 10 years, but broke when they upgraded their technology about a year ago. The remaining way of doing it is apparently also technology-dependent.)

When I've found one of their digitised files,  e.g.

I then have to click on the "View Digital Copy" link to see the file.

To get that link, click on the @ symbol when looking at the digitised file to be given a link which you can copy/paste. But it only takes you to the step where you have to click on "View Digital Copy".

+8 votes
The Dunera Boys are quite famous - even had a TV mini-series in 1985. The National Archives of Australia has digitised many of the files (over 300) relating to them which are available free online. The National Library of Australia has also digitised copies of many photos from their annual reunions. (Keyword to search for on both sites is "dunera")
by Mark Rogers G2G6 Mach 3 (34.2k points)

Yes I have  watched the mini-series, and thanks for the advice above, I have just read two books that describe the voyage, one is called "Not Welcome: A Dunera Boy's escape from Nazi oppression to eventual freedom in Australia" by Sue Everett  and "Witness to Nuremberg" by Richard W. Sonnenfeldt (and i have no idea why the font has changed)

+7 votes
It probably isn't a neat fit under any of the higher level categories, not military, not strictly migration, although many stayed. Many who came to Australia on the "Dunera" were Jewish refugees/migrants to UK from Germany categorised as "enemy aliens", but some were legitimately enemy civilians as well (e.g. interned German merchant sailors).

Category scope would need to be clear in the name - the "Dunera" served for many years in many roles - I'm guessing you would be wanting the category to be specific to the voyage than made it famous?

Maybe best fit would be under Australia as a project?

Can I suggest adding Australia to the tags to see if anyone from Australia Project can advise?
by Mark Rogers G2G6 Mach 3 (34.2k points)
edited by Mark Rogers
I have added Australia

i think i have figured that this may be a good category maybe not as this only covers convicts and  immigrants

Maybe they could change the catergory to include internees as well (and i have no idea why my font has changed again)

+4 votes
Thanks everyone for their help, much appreciated. PS i want to give eveyone best answer but can't.
by anonymous G2G6 Mach 9 (99.5k points)
edited by anonymous

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