Would someone please open this profile?

+4 votes
This profile is Project Protected without a Project:


There is nothing about this person that suggests a need for a "protected" status.  Additionally, it is an 'Ancestry-only' profile.  There are other references available for this ancestor of (guessing) 1.5 million people.

Thank you to the people with WikiTree-powers that-be.
WikiTree profile: Nicholas Haile
in Policy and Style by Living Britain G2G6 Mach 2 (29.8k points)
retagged by Jillaine Smith

1 Answer

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It was PPP'd many years ago before project involvement. But it looks like it was protected to protect the last name at birth. There have been in the past several duplicates with spelling variations. This suggests continued need for protection.

This profile could fall under the scope of the US Southern Colonies project which includes Maryland and Virginia prior to 1776. I will add that project.

Is there something that needs to be done that PPP is preventing?
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (945k points)
selected by Darlene Athey-Hill
Ah... I now see another problem. When I attached Ann as John's mother, I got a warning message that she would have been 55 years of age-- rather old to be a mother.

So either something is wrong with John's birth record about the identity of his mother, or Nicholas had a second, younger wife by the same name, Ann.  Or Ann Long-351's birth date is inaccurate.

That is probably why Ann was detached as other of John.
I had attached John as son.  I've located some duplicates and proposed merges.  There seems to be some confusion as to who fathered whom.  I am climbing out of the rabbit hole for now . . .
B. Britain - the link you provided to the Maryland birth of John is broken...

I'll check the link for John, but I think I updated it already (on the profile).  Thank you, Darlene.


Thank you so much!  Haile-23 has the correct children, although most of those child profiles are a mess.  At least the verified children are on Haile-23. From my experience these past few hours, I agree this profile should be a PPP.  Any other changes can still be done even with the PPP Status.

With Appreciation, B.

Yes. Thank you.  I find it easier to do the search by Nicholas and Ann, then Nicholas and Frances.  The children for Nicholas and Ann are complete. Need to PPP Haile-23, in case of another gedcom import. The children are still in process, but not this parent's relationship to them.

PPP put back on.
Please add a PPP to Hale-3287 to prevent gedcom import of children.  All children accounted for.

B.Britain, not sure Hale-3287 meets the criteria for PPP. It needs to meet the criteria outlined here:


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