If a gedcom needs to be cleaned up before posting can it be left "behind a wall" until it is ready for viewing?

+4 votes
in WikiTree Help by Gene Bird G2G Crew (610 points)
Gene, I really wouldn't worry about how they look at first. Just start with a small gedcom and see how it goes. Try not to bite off more than you can chew. It usually only takes a minute or two to make a profile pretty if it has the dreaded "gedcom junk."

You might consider not even uploading a gedcom, but just adding the profiles one by one. I like to keep two windows open on my desktop, then copy/paste to my hearts content. But then again, I am a typist.
All of the replies were helpful.  Thanks for taking time to clarify for me.

2 Answers

+5 votes

Profiles can be 'locked' and private unless they were born over 150 years ago or who died over 100 years ago.  Those profiles should be Open and will generate Suggestions if they are not Open.  Privacy Policy on Open Profiles

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (875k points)
All of the replies were helpful.  Thanks for taking time to clarify for me.
+5 votes
The GedCom you upload will be looked at by the system, trying to find matching profiles (= persons) but you yourself create profiles from it for each person. The Gedcom file itself is not accessible by others. As Linda states: you can hide recent profiles from sight momentarily.

As Lucy states: do not worry about how things look at first. You can easily edit later on. Just, please, make sure the basics are in order (at least one date, at least one real source, at least one location/country) and start with a small GedCom.

If your question is really about erroneous Gedcoms with incorrect links: do not import the incorrect profiles and links. Editing a true ugly profile is easy, editing a wrong profile is very difficult.

If you would like some advice on some profiles: just post them here so we can have a look.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
All of the replies were helpful.  Thanks for taking time to clarify for me.

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