* Quite the contrary, Alan! I'm saying that it tells you - with auDNA - about the same thing that YDNA tells you, namely that you're related, but you have very little idea how far back the connection is.
If I sound like I'm disagreeing with Barry, I don't think I am. He's emphasizing the idea, to paraphrase, that "it could be so far back that you'll never find the connection, so forget about it". While I'm saying, "sure, you're likely related", which you could call a more positive angle on it, I wouldn't be very optimistic about your chances of finding the connection, either, especially in a genealogically problematic place like Ireland. At the same time, I can't discount that this person could possibly turn out to be as close as a 3C, although the chance of that seems small.
* For one of my own cases, I have a segment from my 5th-gt grandfather up my paternal line - I've found a handful of 6Cs that share it (because I did a TON of research on them about 20 years ago). That ancestor is known to have a mother whose family was Finnish, just a few generations after the immigrant to New Sweden, in 1653.
On that segment, I also triangulate with a TON of actual, modern day Finns! These are pretty small segments. I'd say I'm definitely related to them - it's not IBC, since I don't have people from OTHER nationalities showing up. But there's NO WAY I would even ATTEMPT to find the relation. Many of these people have extensive trees, and I can't even tell how they're related to each other. They could easily be 10th cousins to me, or beyond!
Really it just makes me wonder if Finland counts as something of an endogamous population. Regardless, it gives me confidence that the segment is from the ancestor it's supposed to be from, due to his known Finnish roots.
* Getting back to your own case, I'm alittle unclear of the exact situation. I'm focusing on Chr17, because that's where you say you have a lot of triangulations. You haven't really said how big that segment is for you (vs say, a 3C on your paternal line). A paltry 6.5cM match there is pretty minimal, to say the least.But you're also saying that you know the 15Chr segment is on your paternal line also, from a 2C2R, right (again, how big is the match with the 2C2R?). At 8.3cM, that's a little better, but still pretty small.
The fact that you have TWO segments that BOTH can be traced to your Uprichards is a little encouraging, as far as her possibly not being impossibly distant, but it could also just be endogamy for that area. When I share a triangulated segment with, say, a 4C or 5C, it's not so unusual to also see a match on one or two small segments like these. Another negative is that with a 2C2R, the segment could be from one of your grandfather's other lines, off the purely paternal path.
So I'm not sure I'm really telling you all t hat much, it's just a matter of "comparing notes" about this sort of thing, where I have a paper trail that goes a bit further that what you sound like you have here.
* I don't really know what you're getting at, with that last sentence.