Why do I find two birth places for Majory Ogilvie

+3 votes

Good evening,

I found two entries for who I believe is the the same child of John and Mary Menzies Ogilvie,Marjory Ogivlie [[Ogilvie-1304]], in Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950 on Ancestry. One says Caputh, Perth, Scotland was her birth and the other lists her birth as Auchtergaven, Perth. Birthdates and parents are the same. I am guessing one may be baptism place and the other birth place. The two places aren't very far from each other. 

Suggestions or even an answer would be greatly appreciated!

Julie Hogston

WikiTree profile: Marjory Harris
in Genealogy Help by Julia Hogston G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
edited by Julia Hogston
Have you considered buying the two records from Scotland's People?
Melanie, no I hadn't. Thank you for waking a tired mind. I will do that first thing in the morning!

Thanks again!
I regularly use Scotland's People (currently unable to see any records as I spent my last credits the other day (checking a death)), so it's pretty much something I think of a lot.

My last check was in the Statutory Registers, but I got all the details I needed.  Your Marjory/Marjorie will be under the Statutory Registers as well, so you should - hopefully - get enough info to answer your question.  Under the Old Parish Registers I have often found baptisms and marriages get registered in two places - his and hers.
HI I live in Perth, Scotland  If you want paper research give me a  email!


4 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Good afternoon, (here that is in the USA)

I thank you for all the good information. I did go check at Scotland's Peoples, first through all my saved files and I did find one for Marjory, but it was census. So off to the Statutory Births and indeed I found two. One was a transcription of the other.  She was born at 5pm at Dunkeld Rd.  Bankfoot., Auchtergaven, Perth. It gives fathers as a farm servant at Easter Caputh, Perth. The copy was registered in Caputh, Perth.

Thanks again for helping!

Julie McCartney Hogston
by Julia Hogston G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
selected by Brian Robertson

I just love that they give the time of day!

Happy to hear you found what you needed.  yes

It also says that Father wasn't there, but I am guessing he was at Easter Caputh working.
+7 votes
This quite frequently occurs within English baptism records, and I suspect the same applies to Scotland too.

Where a baptism takes place within a local or village church it is entered in that Church record, however entries may have been duplicated in the main Parish church records. When both the local Church & principal Parish Church records have been digitised & published, then a baptism will appear in both.
by Anonymous Woody G2G6 Mach 3 (32.7k points)
Banns are like that.  They get recorded in both the groom's Parish, and the bride's Parish.  It's ok if they live in the same Parish as the record shows once, but if they live in different Parishes, then it shows twice (or more -- depending on how the local cleric recorded it (recently had a marriage or two show up three/four times, once for each calling of the Banns, and once for the doing of the deed)).
+6 votes
Another two possibilities. One Auchengraven is an estate. The local parish church within the area. The second. I have come across duel marriage and baptisms. One in the home village of the mother. Ther other in the residential locality. ( you don't want to upset the parish priest. ).
by Peter Shaw G2G5 (5.4k points)
+7 votes
When a child was born in one parish but its parents ordinarily lived in another parish, if the parents could afford to, they might choose to register the baptism in both parishes. Remember the OPR is a baptism not a birth register. Sometimes dates of birth were noted but only infrequently and only in some parishes. When you see a marriage registered twice, once each in 2 different parishes it is because the bride lived in one and the groom in the other. It will usually say which parish they actually got married in.
by Living Sutherland-Fisher G2G6 Mach 4 (46.6k points)

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