Burat-1 vs Boiret-6

+2 votes
If anyone knows the people on Geneanet.org that has a lot of bad information concerning Jean Guillaume Burat. Please inform them of the wrong turn they took by running away with the birth date of 1697 and applying it from Jean Boiret who has no record of Guillaume anywhere in his name.

I just cleaned up a mess here I made and input the proper information with sources provided at Family Search.org.

Still searching for proper father of Burat-1 supposedly Michel Buret but no concrete sources to link the two with the correct birth date.

Boiret-6 busts the theory of Jacques and Reine Carbonneau as parents. They have a well developed family of their own which I found the records for with their son Jean living and married in France at the same time that Jean Guillaume was living and married in America.
WikiTree profile: Jean Guillaume Burat
in Genealogy Help by Craig Buras G2G1 (1.4k points)
Great job.  That's called a success anytime you can fix a problem and leave references for how the mistakes occurred.
Friggin' headache...
Here's some food for thought...since no one has pinned down the proper birth and parents yet, I went to Family Search.org and entered Jean Beuret. No results in Switzerland which we know he came from to the United States and changed his last name to Burat. Conflicts on websites have him born at 1697 (Stringfield) vs a date at Find a Grave of 1706.

So....in France we have Jean Beuret born January 21 1707. Baptized January 22 1707 to Pierre Beuret and Philiberte Robillon. Tournus, Saone et Loire, Bourgogne- Franche-Comte, France.

brother Andre 1705 and sister Christine 1708.

I just created this family there from the records available. Nothing else to go on.

Beuret is not a common name in Switzerland, like 0%for that time frame, but very common in France. And we do know that Jean traveled between the 2 countries as well as Germany. So did he grow up in Solothurn or was he born there. If anyone has any outside sources to search from would be a help. So much confusion out there with his actual birthplace.

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