Why is James William Turner Turner-2168, listed as "Israel?"

+2 votes

On 31 Jul 2018 Karen Hardesty wrote on Turner-2168:

HELP!! Our Turner family history kept by a family very interested in James W Turner (Turner-2168) but none of our records show an Israel Turner married to Charity (Freeman) Jennings. Our family history clearly shows that the man who married her was James William Turner. Can anyone shed any light on why this site refers to him as Israel? It was not part of his formal name in any record we can find.

WikiTree profile: Israel Turner
in Genealogy Help by Karen Hardesty G2G1 (1.9k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
It looks like his name is copied from FindAGrave, which does not include a picture of a tombstone.
by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
Yes - hoping for more info; some profiles on Ancestry list him that way too; and I can't figure out why?
+2 votes
There is a bad mix up on FamilySearch. Charity and her mother of the same name got confused and then Charity Jr got linked to James Turner (original) and James William Turner Sr and they additionally (i think) got confused with Charity Sr's husband Israel. Then some bozo took this and ran with it and tweeked the Find A Grave, also Find a grave states that James is from England totally different dates.

I was able to disentangle Charity's Sr and Jr, but I am hesitant to go farther with the repairs. I sent a message to an admin, waiting for a response.

I was researching my ancestor Turner and ran in to this...
by Jude Valencia G2G2 (2.4k points)
Good luck,I keep having to remove, or having removed, the parents of my William Thomas Turner. I guess because William and Thomas are such common names, but it seems because of that, my William Thomas Turner has been attached to Many and I emphasize  "Many" Parents that do not match up with dates and places already proven. Good luck unraveling the mistake of Israel Turner line.
Yes, the one tree is a new feature for me. I have always worked on private type sites with no interference from others. I have seen some horrifying things when I stray from my main line. It is hard to not fix things that are so obvious to me, but I know if I do I will go down a rabbit hole.
You got that right! Down a rabbit hole for sure. It is all overwhelming and then to deal with those who have created a new problem for you. How we handle it is so important. Thanks Jude for understanding.
Yes, thank you. I don't find it terribly overwhelming, I would love to have done more, but I am currently eyeball deep researching my [[Turner-49356]]. Outlining all the Turners (& Carters) in Weakley Co TN, mid 19th century.

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