How many wikitreers made between 900 and 999 contributions in July 2020?

+10 votes
I know I didn't make 1,000 contributions in July,but how many of us made at least 900 in July 2020?
in The Tree House by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by David Hughey
I did and then some more
Nope, I'm still in the Tortoise Club.  Slow but steady wins the race!
The hurrier I go....the behinder I get.
Well, according to the Admin info with my badge, I made around 1500 contributions.  I'm guessing that a contribution must be just a profile change as I'm sure that I didn't add 1500 new profiles.
Me, I'm with both Lisa and John.  John's motto applies to all facets of my life, so I just stick with the Tortoise Club.
Laurie, every Save you do when editing a profile is counted as a contribution.  Adding a relationship counts.
Though I don't wee anything wrong with having a 100 Club and 1,000 Club, some time back a wikitreer asked if we  could also have a 500 Club saying not everyone makes enough contributions in a month to make it to the 1,000 a month club. Who made over 900 contributions,but not enough to reach the 1,000 a month contributions.  This is not designed to kick anyone out of wikitree.  Believe me, we need you all doing your best.
David,  Thanks for your reply......"all doing your best".....sounds good for WikiTree.

3 Answers

+6 votes
David, If I make too many and run out, will I have to leave WikiTree?      Dang........when I want to comment I answer and when I answer I want to............
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (401k points)
Currently, there are awards for making 100 per month or 1,000 in a month.  I know some people have made many more than 1,000 per month.
+8 votes
I made a little over 2000. You know, Covid and isolation - lots of time!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+6 votes
2,359 in July.  Same situation as Virginia Fields. Lots of time, lots of files to enter.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (360k points)

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