Re: Changes to One Name Studies: Rowley and Eastman

+8 votes
With all the changes you have listed for the new standard for One Name Studies, can someone give me a clue about how much I have to change for my two studies: ROWLEY and EASTMAN? and what does the html page related to the genealogy by name supposed to point to?
in Genealogy Help by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (258k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes

Hi Judy,

Both Studies look fine as they are right now! Since you only include high-level information, and all other research and connections are happening through the Categories, there is nothing to change that I can see.

what does the html page related to the genealogy by name supposed to point to?

Can you clarify this question? What HTML page?

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (806k points)
It was only there because it was in the sample and I forgot to delete it. Will do so

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