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Why is my pre 1500 not being verified?
WikiTree profile: Parfitt-186
in WikiTree Help by Living Parfitt G2G Crew (490 points)

1 Answer

+8 votes

Hi Liam, welcome. Have you seen this?

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Hi, yes I have seen it and applied twice and still haven’t been awarded the badge. I think a few people are on a power trip over a badge. I’ve done extensive research on my tree over the last four years with verified sources and I need to add these people to my wiki. I’m particularly interested in adding my royal lineage to my tree.

Liam, it appears that you may be a newer member of WikiTree and have a misunderstanding about pre-1500 era profiles. Please do reread the help page that Marion supplied above, especially the section where sources are discussed. 

It also states: "As a demonstration of your commitment to our Honor Code please make sure that any Unsourced Profiles on your Watchlist have been addressed." You will want to go through your previously created profiles, especially those that are pre-1700 and find reliable, primary sources for them. 

A quick check of a few of your recent additions show only a source that says, "Source will be added by Liam Parfitt by 2 Aug 2020." I would suggest those be improved. 

You mention wanting to add a royal lineage to your tree. I would be quite surprised if most of those profiles haven't already been built and you'll be able to connect your family to existing profiles. You probably will not need to create new ones. Please be sure to look for existing profiles before attempting to create duplicates, something that we do not do on WikiTree, where we have only one profile per person, unlike other sites. 

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