Why do so many profiles say "adopt" while looking at them in list form but have managers in the profile?

+3 votes
in WikiTree Help by Living Fulford G2G2 (2.8k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson
We get multiple managers this way
Samuel, would you please add the "bugs" tag to your question?
How do I add the bug tag?
There is an "edit" button on your question.  Click that, and then scroll down to the bottom of the box.  There will be a space to add tags.  "Bugs" will work better than "bug."  (You can see the most-used tags by clicking on the "Tags" tab at the top of the G2G page.)
Right. Didn't see it in tags list. Now I know. Thanks!

2 Answers

+4 votes
if you are talking about the list I think you are... only the ones highlighted in yellow are adoptable
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (590k points)

It is a bug.  When you go look for orphan profiles, quite often there is already a profile manager.  (I just checked some on the orphaned profiles list, and when they are clicked, they already have a manager.)

I have seen the highlights-and the glitch in orphan list. I kept finding them in my ancestor list. Check before you adopt. Thanks

Its not a bug... it was designed that way (although I don't know why -- it seems silly to list profiles that are not orphaned on the orphaned page)

and you can not adopt a profile if it already has a manager. Try it, it doesn't work (even though it looks like it might)

you can only adopt the ones that are highlighted in yellow. And there are multiple pages (look for the "next" button at the bottom of the page)

It is a bug. I am not talking about orphaned profile list -although that has the same bug in it. Jones-30355 came up highlighted orphan but has a manager. This bug allows multiple managers. I was not looking for orphans or to adopt profiles. I made a family list and kept seeing ancestors indicating no managers but who sometimes have 4 or 5 of them...Some I already manage.
I see. Since you weren't specific, it was unclear which list you were referring to.

Sounds like you are now referring to the Family List
(here's yours, for example: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:FamilyList&p=13029951).

In that list, if the profiles are adoptable, there will be a link off to the side of them. (which you can see in this example page, by selecting "with siblings"  https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:FamilyList&p=13041966)

What I believe you are seeing are the relatively new feature called Profile Previews.
That does indeed look like a bug with Profile Previews not displaying properly.

Multiple managers usually happen when profiles are merged. Its not possible to adopt a profile already managed.
+1 vote
In looking through the family list of Wiki friend-cousin Dennis Wheeler I found many examples. Most no longer have the adopt label next to them but this is how Clay-929 and Hackley-16 got 5 and Ferris-4 got 11 managers to name a few. George Washington and I also had many of these. Check before you adopt.
by Living Fulford G2G2 (2.8k points)
It's most likely that those profiles have multiple managers because they have had many merges. Hackley-16, for example, has been merged at least 8 times, and Ferris-4 at least 12 times.

There is a bug where sometimes profiles show up as adoptable when they already have a manager, but you aren't added as a manager when you try to adopt them.

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