New here. Slightly confused.

+7 votes
I uploaded my Gedcom from Ancestry but not all the family members show up on my GedCompare list. Am I missing something obvious?
in WikiTree Help by b Burroughs G2G Crew (340 points)
Are you sure everything exported? And, is it possible perhaps some are under maiden name or unknown if no surname presen?
Approximately how many people in your gedcom? I uploaded a large gedcom from Ancestry to gedcompare when i started at WT. I would not do it again. Happy to provide more info about that if you are interested.
There are whole groups missing, mostly the group I most wanted information on! :)

It is a large tree, 1252 people. WikiTree says I uploaded 666 people.

That seems strange. Are you able to confirm there are 1252 different profiles in the Gedcom? I saw you had uploaded twice. Same result both times? If so, makes me think something is embedded in the file that is truncating the import to Gedcompare.

That's a relatively small Gedcom. The Gedcompare process is somewhat tedious and the results may not be what you expect. What you will get as a profile of a person not already determined to be in WikiTree during the process will look like this profile where I have not gone back to remove the crazy double citation system that imports from Ancestry. You don't get precise citations and it's a two tiered system. Also, there are restrictions on imports of pre-1700 profiles, etc.

When you create a profile in the import process that looks like the above, then you have to go back to them, make all the citations 'make sense' (and add links where relevant to publications or books), while writing the narrative bio which ideally would look something like this profile.

What I (and others, but not all) have found doing the process is that it would have been much less time consuming to manually search for existing profiles already in WikiTree for each person and when the person is not there to manually create the profile doing the narrative biography and inserting the citations as you go.

T Stanton

Your answer is helpful to me, another brand new arrival on Wikitree.  I also imported a Gedcom from Ancestry, and (it appears to me, at least) than none showed up on my tree on Wiki.  Two questions, then:  1.  Does Wikitree ONLY import family members for whom there are citations on  2.  Does Wikitree start with me, moving back in time, and stop importing when there is a break in citations that are supplied in Ancestry.  Sorry that these are such BASIC questions, but this is all new to me.

Hi, Lori, and welcome to WikiTree. It has a bit of learning curve but the rewards will be well worth it. Nothing wrong with basic questions--in G2G you'll find a lot of people from all over the globe willing to help you with almost anything.

If you imported a Gedcom from Ancestry, you then have to do the GEDCOMpare process before anything in your GEDCOM will appear in WikiTree. Since we (ideally) have only one profile for any person (no one has their own tree here, there is just one tree), GEDCOMpare would help you determine if the person already exists in WikiTree. Chances are parents/grandparents may not already be here but the further back you go the more likely it is that they may already be in WikiTree (and hopefully a lot of ancestors you didn't before know about).

As to your Questions:

1.  Does Wikitree ONLY import family members for whom there are citations on No, the GEDCOMpare process will import anyone in your GEDCOM that you tell the system to import (there are certain restrictions for example you can't import someone born before 1700, etc.). If there aren't citations in the import, you'll have to agree in the process to go back and add them.

2.  Does Wikitree start with me, moving back in time, and stop importing when there is a break in citations that are supplied in Ancestry.  No, WikiTree through the GEDCOMpare process will import (with certain restrictions) what you tell it to import.

Does that help?

I do not know how to confirm how many profiles are in my Gedcom file. I simply downloaded it from Ancestry and uploaded it here.

Yes, same result both times. I thought perhaps we hadn't updated our Ancestry tree when I originally downloaded the Gedcom, but apparently that was not the problem.

The missing members are only in what would be my grandparents generation, so not too far back, either.


It now appears that the missing have joined the party. Not sure what took them so long. :)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Did you wait looking for the people in the list until the upload was finished?

My Gedcom upload took more than 12 hours.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)

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