can an alpha table be added to top of these pages

+6 votes
I wanted to see the Jacksons in this record but had to scroll to bottom of page to click 'next' over and over and over again to scroll through the alphabet to get to the name Jackson.  Can someone add an alphabetical select table to the top of each of these pages?  It would sure be helpful to be able to click on the desired letter in the alphabet.
in WikiTree Tech by Janie Kimble G2G6 Mach 2 (28.6k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson

Hello Janie.

In the meantime, there is another way you can move through the records.

Just add "&start=xxxx" at the end of the URL in the address bar ("xxxx" is a record number. You will see in the page, the list of the next 500 records starting with the one entered).

Example: The Jacksons start in 6089:

(6088 is a Jackman-Gordon)

To see other surnames (records are alphabetically sorted), there is the need for trial and error in "xxxx")

I hope this may be of help.

I've added this to the suggestions list.
Thank you, Jamie!

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Another option is to go to the Surname page, and click the "DNA Connections" link. This will take you to a page like, where you can filter by DNA test company and type.

by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (671k points)
selected by Janie Kimble

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