I'm searching for George Kohn born approx 1871 in Evehenan, Geralerann, Germany

+2 votes
My great-grandfather is George KOHN born approx 1871 in Evehenan, Geralerann, Germany. His father's name was Takab KOHN (a farmer) and mother Marie RICHENDORFER. He married Maggie WINTON in Cawarral, Queensland, Australia 9 May 1900.
in The Tree House by anonymous G2G Rookie (220 points)

I tried to find this location in google maps without luck, and also in Meyers Orts, with various wildcard searches for both parts of the name, again no luck. What state or district was this a part of? The intent of Meyers Orts Was to cover every place in the German Empire from 1871 to 1918, so it should have the location if it existed. 

This place does not come up at FamilySearch.

Searching the card catalog at Ancestry (institutional version) gave no results.

Meyers Orts is at this link https://www.meyersgaz.org/help/help.html

Those are the Birth Place details appearing on his Colony of Queensland Marriage Certificate. We've also had the same problem finding those place names, which is why I've joined this site. On his child's Birth Certificate in 1910 it states his birth place as Eichenan Gerabronn Germany.

Eichenan Gerabronn Germany.



Perhaps add the tag germany to your question so those better versed in locations there will see it.

Gerabronn is listed in Myers Orts ... it is a place in Wurttemberg. FamilySearch has church records for Gerabronn, but you have to be either an LDS member or in a FHC to view them (I cannot tell which; the catalog entry has a lock).

Gerabronn may be where the church is, and Eichenan a village in the parish.

"Eichenan" is in all likelihood Eichenau, a part of Kirchberg an der Jagst, a town adjacent to Gerabronn.

Thank you Helmut

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

As Helmut already pointed out, Eichenau was almost certainly a hamlet now located in the community of Kirchberg an der Jagst. In the 1870s it was part of Oberamt (equivalent to county) Gerabronn in Württemberg. For church purposes Eichenau belonged to the parish of Lendsiedel, whose parish books are available at ancestry.com (and presumably ancestry.au) and at archion.de.

I have located the baptismal record of Georg Köhn (born 28 March 1871, baptised 1 April) here: https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/21051339?h=3765a1&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url. For those who have access to archion.de but not ancestry.com, the record is located at http://www.archion.de/p/8e666abe92/.

The quality of the digitisation is not the best, but what I can make out is: Georg, son of Jakob Köhn, innkeeper (Gastwirth) and farmer, and his wife Marie Rosina, nee Richendörfer (or Buchendörfer?), born at Eichenau Tuesday, 28 March, 5:30 p.m., baptised at Eichenau Saturday, 1 April, by the minister, godparents (1) Georg Wesel [??], bachelor from Kirchberg, (2) Heinrich Kurz, wagonmaker from ??, (3) Christian Krause, pastrymaker (Conditor) from Kirchberg.

by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
selected by George Fulton

And here is the parents' 1865 marriage record: https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/21051446?h=a5471b&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url. At archion: http://www.archion.de/p/3074586aa1/.

As far as I can make out, it reads:

Jakob Köhn, Haßwirth [not sure what this is], Protestant, son of Johan Köhn, master baker and farmer (Wirth) in Kirchberg, and the late Maria Barbara, nee Hafiner [??], unmarried, born in Kirchberg 21 September 1842, AND Maria Rosina Kochendörfer of Eichenau, Protestant, daughter of the late Joh. Wilhelm Kochendörfer, farmer (Wirth) in Eichenau, and Eva Dorothea, nee Schock, unmarried, born in Eichenau 10 January 1846, WERE MARRIED 2 May 1865 in Kirchberg after having received dispensation due to [her] being underage.

Thank you for your help. This is very useful and has solved the puzzle. All we knew was he was German with no idea of his origins or why he emigrated to Australia.
+4 votes

In all likelihood there would only be church records for a town in Württemberg for this time. If he was protestant a possibility to check would be Archion, a pay site of the protestant churches in Germany. You can search for free but access to an actual record has a fee. The email for the Evangelisches Pfarramt Gerabronn is: simon.englert@elkw.de, perhaps they can tell you where their records are. The Catholic parish email is nils.neudenberger@kirche-in-gerabronn

by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)
I'm not sure it is fair to publish e-mails of living people here. Probably better to give links to the contact form on a website or similar.
These are the emails for contact to the respective parishes given on their official websites.

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