DNA of Ancestors

+4 votes
I am very confused as several of my relatives have DNA ancestors linked on Wiki tree.  However, when I click the DNA link for how we are related.  I receive the answer that we are not related.  These are relationships that I am almost certain of.  Many of these relationships are linked on Ancestry.  Just trying to understand.  Any ideas appreciated!
in Genealogy Help by Rhonda Lowe G2G1 (1.9k points)
do you have a specific example where you think you should be related, and its not showing?
Dennis, the problem is that she hasn't connected herself to these people on the Wikitree.
which people?

she looks connected to me
From what she's said, she has a tree on ancestry and has located profiles for some of her ancestors on Wikitree.  But she hasn't added her family members on Wikitree to connect to the relatives about whom she's speaking.
she's added a number of her family here on WikiTree, and is connected to the main tree already... which is why I was asking for more clarification on her question.

3 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer
Hi Rhonda,

As Kay mentioned, you need to work on adding your ancestors on Wikitree.  I see that you don't have many of them going back very far.  You can start looking to see if the profiles exist for the ancestors and attach them to your ancestors.  If a profile doesn't yet exist, then you can create one, being sure to add primary sources, and continue adding until you reach the generation where your ancestor is already on the tree.

You need to go back to the profiles that you have created and add sources.  I see that you added some a few weeks ago but have yet to add sources.  I always recommend that you add at least one primary source when you create a profile.
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (570k points)
selected by Andreas West
+12 votes
Rhonda, If WikiTree says that you're not related, that just means that you haven't connected yourself to enough of your ancestors so that WikiTree can see how you're related. If any of the ancestors that connect you to your relatives are missing from WikiTree, then WikiTree can't see how you're related.
by Kay Wilson G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
+2 votes

Here are videos which show you how to find DNA tested WikiTree members in GEDmatch who you match and therefore have some of your ancestors’ autosomal DNA


and those who have some of your ancestors’ X chromosome


by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (740k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
Hi Peter, thank you for creating and sharing the helpful videos.  I noticed that the ability to save the video to my library topic is available.  When I click on the + \ add, it says the action is disabled for content was specified for children.  Not sure if that can be changed after a video is posted.
Hello Beth,

When a video is posted on YouTube the creator must select If the content was specified for children.  I did not fully understand the implications.  My intent is that the video is suitable for all ages.  That is to say it would have received a  “G” (and not PG or R) if had been rated by the motion picture industry. If needed, let me know what needs to be changed and how.  Thank you and sincerely,

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