Hi Gaile, thanks for answering and welcome back. We have missed you in G2G and hope you're here for a while.
I did all the 'whois' and Googling about that site I could think of before posting, and came up empty. Based on its links, the site appears to be somehow related to a "Cloud Family Association," which I guess would be a personal operation. It appears to be modeled on something I have seen before, but I can't place it. And, it claims to have nearly 200K profiles, including some we have here, and the ones I looked at seem to be fairly complete and backed by real research. So, my impression, it's not something that was thrown together by a couple of family members a few weeks ago. But hey, if they want to stay under the radar, OK with me.
And you did get my attention with the plug for your own site, but I'll pursue that a little later by private e-mail.