Private profile should be open [closed]

+2 votes
The referenced profile is Private, but when I go to its privacy settings, it tells me, "Profiles of people who were born over 150 years ago or who died over 100 years ago must be Open" and does not give me the ability to change. So, how did this profile get made Private? (BTW, I have requested, and am now on its Trusted List.) Known bug? ―Ken
WikiTree profile: William Nellis
closed with the note: question answered
in WikiTree Tech by Kenneth Nellis G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
closed by Kenneth Nellis

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
It may have been private before the rules changed to 150/100. Or it may have been made private because there are unlisted children attached to it.

On a profile you don't manage, the process to open a profile is to go to the Family Tree & Tools tab, and then use the "Open Profile Request Form". That will send a message to the Team and it will be opened, if appropriate.

But since I'm here I'll just open it and you can skip that step.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (673k points)
selected by Melanie Paul
Bingo! There are two private children, (who also should not be private). Thank you for resolving the question. (Perhaps the wording of the message could be improved to prevent this question from arising.)

Based on Jeremie Nellis' ancestors chart, a generation or 2 may be missing between Jeremie's father and the next connected generation (William).

If you manage Jeremie's father's profile, you should disconnect William as his father. And Gladys should be disconnected as William's spouse.

If you manage the private daughter's profile, you should also disconnect her profile from William's profile.

As long as those 2 private/unlisted profiles are connected to William's profile, any edits to William's profile will probably lock it again.

Indeed, there are numerous problems with this profile. That is the reason for my focus on it. It was private, so I wasn't able to edit it. I shall be working on it shortly. What is interesting to me is that I had previously made updates to it (January and April) and since lost the privilege, hence a previous G2G Tech question asking about why privacy-level changes are not reported in the Change Log.
+3 votes

If you are on the trusted list, you should be able to go to the privacy tab and choose the lowest (greyish) level with the unlocked lock. Then make sure to save this change.

The warning states indeed that the green yellow/light green level is not appropriate for this profile.

edit: nope, my bad, you need to be profile manager to do this: If the pm is non responsive, you can request to change the level.

edit2: let's not debate the names of colors. Hope this is clear now.

by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
edited by Michel Vorenhout
Yes, indeed, I should be able to change it. That is the problem. I can't. There are no radio buttons to select the desired level. And the message does not say that the green (Public) level is not appropriate, its says that only the Open level is valid, but yet it shows it is Private. So, my entire question remains unanswered.

I think only the Profile Manager can change the privacy level.

Yeah, I corrected myself... but not fast enough to hold back the ever present downvote...

And my ever present "Best Answer" mistake. But to respond, the level is not green! Why do you keep repeating "green"? AND, why does it say it must be Open when it is Private? That is the essence of my question and has still not been answered?

There is nothing in your answer that warrants a downvote.  (Maybe it was accidental.)
The down vote was given before he corrected himself. I have now reversed it.
Kenneth - that olive-y-yellowish hue might be considered a type of green.  I usually lump it with the "yellow" locks, reserving "green lock" for the chartreuse lock.
My original post did not mention a color, and I'm still hoping for a responsive response.
Contact the Profile Manager.
Are you suggesting that he knows better than the experts at G2G Tech? I don't think so. This is a question about how WikiTree works, not his area of expertise.
In general you can override warnings when you save, by clicking 'save anyway'. What for sure works is that you as a trusted member cannot change it from the current level down to open. The warning is not smart enough to not be shown to someone without the privilege to change it.

Does that answer your question?
Thanks for trying, Michel, but, no, it does not. I am not saving anything to provoke this warning, so there is no Save Anyway option. The message says that the profile must be Open, but it is Private, and gives me no option to change. If it's a bug, then that's the end of discussion. If it's not a bug, then I still don't understand the contradiction.
Are you suggesting that he knows better than the experts at G2G Tech? I don't think so. This is a question about how WikiTree works, not his area of expertise.


No.  I was suggesting you contact the PM as the person to open the profile.

However, based on Jamie's answer, this is now moot. 

By the way Kenneth, you are not the Profile Manager, you are only on the Trusted List.  You cannot change the privacy level as a member of the Trusted List only..
Indeed, Melanie made that point already.

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