How can I adopt orphaned profiles?

+3 votes
Hello.  I am fairly new to WikiTree, hence, still "learning the ropes".  I have found ancestors, viz. Major Aaron Hawley (1739-1803) and Henry Stebbins Gillett (1823-1895), both of which are in need of a Profile Manager.  I am willing to "adopt" these (and other) files and potentially add information and/or images to them.  I understand that if a file is labeled "private", it cannot be "adopted", but I do not see privacy labels on these particular files and it states "No Profile Manager". Am I missing something?  Your help is appreciated.  Peace.
in WikiTree Help by M Gillette G2G Crew (400 points)

Next to where it says No profile manager, it should also have a link to adopt.

No Profile Manager [adopt this profile]

3 Answers

+2 votes
As Melanie says, just click the link

However, if the profile has a closed privacy, you won't be able to adopt it, but instead will need to ask for it to be opened first.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
+3 votes

Major Aaron Hawley can be adopted, the padlock is white and the profile is an orphan.  Ditto for Henry Gillett

When the padlock colored, and the file is an orphan you have to petition to have it opened for you to adopt it

 It is an orphan when there is no profile manager listed 

It is already open when the padlock is white 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (685k points)
+2 votes
Thank you for your time.  I am not given the "[adopt this profile]" option, hence my confusion.  I was able to adopt files, however, by opening the profile then clicking the Family Tree & Tools tab then clicking on or scrolling to the WikiTree Tools tab where the second tool lists the option to adopt the profile.  I hope this helps others who may be having the same issue.  Peace
by M Gillette G2G Crew (400 points)

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